[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:10 AM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon...[/b] Legion chuckled. "Five of you? That's rookie numbers. I'm pretty sure there's thousands of me - hence the name Legion," he joked. However, he was clearly delighted that Echo had said yes. He had never had a boyfriend before really, for obvious reasons - or at least, not one that he could remember having. He wouldn't have been too surprised if some of the others had dated and just not shared that knowledge with him. David stared into Echo's mind, before using the power that David had primary control over - [i]telepathy[/i]. And suddenly, Echo would find himself on the astral plane [i](his astral form will reflect how Echo truly sees himself, up to you how this looks).[/i] David was floating along with him, looking mostly the same, his hair all messy and spiked up. "Can I kiss you?" Legion then asked. [b]Hellfire Manor...[/b] Casper was unsuccessful in resisting the urge to sob. He didn't know he could already feel so fiercely attached to a little poop machine, but he was. It was like the three of them had always been a family together, it just felt so right and so natural. He didn't even know that he had wanted to be a father until this very moment. [color=DBA1DE]"Y-yes!"[/color] Casper squeaked, blinking his eyes rapidly. [color=DBA1DE]"Ugh, I'm crying like a little bitch,"[/color] he said, laughing a little bit. [color=DBA1DE]"Uh, sorry, I mean I'm crying like a little..."[/color] he paused, trying to think of the right word, [color=DBA1DE]"... crying person? We can swear still, right? The baby's not old enough to pick up swear words, right? Also, do you have a name in mind? I honestly can't think of anything except for not Kevin at the moment... Does the baby have a name already?"[/color] he then asked, looking at Stacy X. "Doll, I think you can rename a baby if you want. I can go check the files on that one in specific for ya, but most of the information we have on these kids is incomplete - it was hard enough just trying to figure out who their parents had been. Odds are, we don't know the kid's name." Meanwhile, Mongoose beamed slightly at the idea of having candy for desserts and snacks - and playing dress-up. "Suuuure," she answered as Miranda asked her if she wanted to come with her. Things had been traumatic recently and Mongoose's trauma response was pretty much to block out all the painful memories and just focus on the good things. This seemed like a good thing. [b]Outside the Green Lagoon...[/b] [hider=CW - parent dying stuff][color=8E6BB3][i]"Ugh, why are you like this... Just be a good little boy and do this for your father. You don't want your mother to die, do you? Cancer's painful. Nasty in the end. Human treatments just aren't there yet. And from what Doctor Nemesis has told me, even the strongest mutant healers haven't been able to handle it... [b]Probably because it's not cancer.[/b]"[/i][/color][/hider] [b]The Rebuilt House of M...[/b] Magneto raised an eyebrow at Champion's proposal, already noting one flaw in the power classifications. [color=FF5733]"Where would you put the master of magnetism then?"[/color] he asked her. Elemental was technically the closest match to his powers, but not quite. There were other mutants who were power siphons and mimics who couldn't fall neatly into any of those either. And of course, the witches and demons - those who commanded the mystical arts. He then listened to Valkyrie's proposal, which was based off of fighting styles, yet already filled with some complications as apparently it wouldn't neatly classify her either. Magneto frowned. There had to be a way to train mutants effectively to fight. His mind flashed to his old beau, Charles Xavier. [color=FF5733]"Perhaps we organize our Brotherhood into squads, each with an assigned mentor experienced in using their mutant gifts to fight. We will train them to fight as units... The Akademos should be sufficient to ensure everyone at least knows how to control their mutant gifts, so we needn't worry about that."[/color] He then paused, eyeing the two girls. [color=FF5733]"Fight me. I wish to see your strength."[/color] He then said abruptly. [b]Max's Room...[/b] Static rushed through the spirit box - even with Max managing to boost the connection, it was tenuous at best. Veil was still shocked that it was able to work at all. It seemed like something ghost hunters on TV would use, something that could never actually give proof of the supernatural, that ghosts walked among them. [color=935DB8]"Can we ask anyone to test this out?"[/color] Veil asked, meaning morally, not practically. [color=935DB8]"It isn't fair for us to refuse to let Ben try if it's dangerous and kill someone else's soul by accident."[/color] The static broke, with Ben's speech coming through. [b]"I'm going to be the test case. You'll need my body... But it's in New Orleans. And you'll need a--"[/b] static then cut in again, interrupting Ben. The spirit box was beginning to overheat - it would be hot to the touch. The waves Ben was manipulating in order to speak to them must've been producing a lot of heat. [color=935DB8]"... Well, what if it's like Build-A-Bear?"[/color] Veil suggested. [color=935DB8]"I'm not a wizard or anything, and I haven't read whatever necromancy book you two have, but maybe we need to get a viable, living body - find some way to transfer the soul into the body, maybe Casper could do that? And probably some crazy, chaotic element of luck."[/color] Veil didn't know it, but she had stumbled upon an important number in mystical rituals - Three. A ritual circuit of Casper, James, and Max had the potential to raise the dead. Casper to guide the soul, James to heal and restore the body, and Max for that chaotic [i]special something[/i] that would alter the threads of Fate. [hider=OOC Note - the Ritual]You can use a magic ritual of three to attempt mutant resurrection, provided you can recover their body. You will only be able to bring back [i]one[/i] mutant at this time. At the conclusion of the RP, you may attempt to resurrect other mutants. [i](I will say that not everyone will be resurrect-able, so you'll have about 2-3 resurrections allotted to you.)[/i] Select who you would like to attempt resurrection on and let me know on the Discord - I think the easiest thing to do would be to collab the resurrection ritual and post it as the 'end' of this chapter. [/hider]