Dreepy hid deeper into Liam's jacket. It then cautiously poked its head out. It took the berry from Jen and turned toward Liam. "Dreep!" "You want to battle?" Liam inquired. The Dreepy shyly nodded in confirmation. "Beckham! It's time to shine!" The Raboot emerged from the ball and eyed up the small dragon. Duraladon stood on the sidelines and tried to encourage the Dreepy. Dreepy started with Infestation. Beckham used Ember. It didn't do a lot of damage but still did enough to do noticeable damage to Dreepy. (Infestation 1) Beckham next used Agility While Dreepy used Quick Attack. (Infestation 2) Beckham next used Flame Charge. Dreepy used Bite and did fair damage. (Infestation 3) Beckham's Flame Charge missed, and Dreepy's Bite landed. (Infestation 4) Beckham's Blaze activated and he used Flame Charge, getting a critical hit. Dreepy used Astonish. (Infestation 5) Liam tossed a Luxury Ball at Dreepy. It hit the ghost and sucked it in. The ball wiggled three times and snapped shut. Since Liam already had at least six Pokémon on his team, the ball's center button began to glow a steady red. "[i]Dreepy has been registered to your Pokédex.[/i]"