[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color] & [color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] New York City Defenders HQ [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=#a81a75]Asgardian Magic[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Guin was honestly getting stressed out with all of this yelling. She was normally fine with yelling. Hell, she would join [i]in[/i] on the yelling. But the existential weight of the guilt of her counterpart from this world was really weighing down on her. She wanted to take a hot soak in a hot tub, down a bottle of something alcoholic, scream, and live tweet an episode of some terrible TV show - and not necessarily in that order. She wanted to go home and smash random bits and parts together and behold her monstrous creation. She wanted to play with Pietro's hair and tease him about his facial stubble. She didn't want to be here right now, doing this. [color=cc33ff]"Is there somewhere we can go that's... well, not here? This is honestly stressing me out and making me want a cig,"[/color] Guin admitted. She rubbed her forehead, pushing her hair up. It was a mannerism she had learned from her dad. He did it too when he was stressed. [color=7ea7d8]"Where? Since most people clearly don't like us, not to mention smoking bad!"[/color] [color=cc33ff]"I [i]know[/i], I'm not stupid,"[/color] Guin complained. [color=cc33ff]"And that's why I'm asking if there's a place we can go, since I don't know the structure of this place, and I don't feel like digging around in other people's heads right now. Also, seems rude."[/color] Guin was clearly a little bit crabby. She was shifting her weight from foot to foot, and scratching now at her wrists, her classic coping mechanisms. [color=7ea7d8]"We also kind of stick out like a sore thumb," [/color]Pietro pointed out, since it was kind of hard for most of their group to blend in, though mainly him, since he's got the hair that stands out fairly easily. [color=cc33ff]"Are there no rooms that we could go chill in?"[/color] Runa, meanwhile, she begun some magick rituals, designed to locate their missing friends. They were almost all together as a group. They were just missing a few of their members. She concentrated on the runes she had pulled previously in the woods to determine locations, closing her eyes and meditating as she began the divination cast. Fortunately, it seemed that their lost, wayward members had all congregated together. That would make things easier for a retrieval. The name of the general location the others were in then came to mind. [color=#a81a75]"Manhattan. They're in a building to the north of us. I don't have a more specific location - Stephen, perhaps if you assisted?"[/color] He was, after all, the Sorcerer Supreme of this world. That ought to give him extreme magical powers and capabilities, access to spells that Runa could not bear to cast. It ought to not be a huge trouble for him to cast a simple location spell on the others, particularly as they were all together in a group. And from there, they could use Stephen's sling ring to open a portal and grab the rest of them, finally reuniting the team into one place, where they could hide until Strange's spell to return them home had completed.