[b][i]Provisional GM Post[/i][/b] [b][i]Ashton Andrews[/i][/b] Ashton looked at Avelyn and said, “Your family first; Narvia's is in the Draken System while mine is in Sol itself, so it makes sense to go to Epsilon Theta, then Draken'Vina, then Earth, where my parents are. Now, can you tell me what Longannet is like? It’s a planetary capital and logic says that it's fairly prosperous for the rich and powerful, but I need to know what your home district is like and the terrain we’re encountering there as well as what clothes would blend in - I presume we’re getting lower-class disguises? We might also need your powers or someone who looks like an adult to avoid any 'truant officers', too...” He then paused to consider what Avelyn had said next and replied, “You know what? You’re right that I shouldn’t be clingy to Flame; thanks, Avelyn.” [i]After all, I can trust him to keep me in his thoughts,[/i] he thought before looking at Narvia and saying, “Now, tell me about your family; I know that they’re part of a corporation that supported the Coalition War and that your own 'sperm donor' has abused them a lot. Actually, tell me about the Corporation that 'sperm donor' has; tell me everything about that asshole that you can in just a few minutes.” Then, realizing the trap he had set for himself, Ashton then clarified, "Actually, it's best if you tell us about your family's defenses and private fleet first! I heard that Mars' corporate families are large enough to own their own private fleets and that your father's corporation has its own ships which are large enough to match one of the Ascendancy's remaining flotillas. Is it possible that he'd send someone against us if we move closer to the 'Core Worlds'?" [@Letter Bee][@Landaus Five-One][@FalloutJack][@Starlance][@jdh97][@Smike][@Senhara]