[center][h2][color=92278f]Dot[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Despite Liese’s forewarning, Dot was still very much alarmed. The moment he began to undress, she tore her eyes away and stuck them squarely to the nearby wall. To her own credit, she had the restraint not to shriek, which would have certainly caused them another world of problems. Instead she stood there, hands on her hips, scrutinizing the woodwork around the room and clearing her throat. [color=92278f]“Oooh gosh. Wow. Okay you’re just gonna—yep, you are. Yooou are. Doing that. Okay.”[/color] When it was done, and she heard Liese’s voice had raised an octave, that and peripheral vision were enough to put the message together. So Liese was a girl, then? The name was feminine enough, though Dot wasn’t in any position to make a judgement call on that. It did put some of their words into perspective though, and suddenly the zeal and indignancy towards the other nobility made a bit more sense as well. So too did the enchantment on the door. Like Liese, Dot still didn’t know exactly what it did, but its meaning was clear enough. That made her wonder, though—was this truly a secret? Surely as the daughter of nobility, [i]someone[/i] if not [i]most[/i] people were aware of her. If Liese was out to prove that girls could be knights too, wouldn’t she present herself as…well, a girl? Why hide? [i]Was[/i] she hiding? This train of thought, blessedly, distracted Dot until Liese had redressed. When it felt decent to do so again, she looked back to her roommate, nodding and pursing her lips and trying to come up with an appropriate response. [color=92278f]“Right. Yes. I think I do,”[/color] she said. [color=92278f]“I, uh, probably would have still gotten it if you’d just…y’know, told me. But hey, I can appreciate a big, bold gesture too. Sometimes you just really gotta lay it all out there…uh…metaphorically…speaking…”[/color] Dot cleared her throat again. Great, now somehow [i]she[/i] was the one making things awkward. That aside though, she’d never been confided in before, and even with the circumstances being as they were, having someone’s faith felt…good. For a moment Dot forgot that Liese was nobility. She smiled. [color=92278f]“I don’t know what you’ve been through, or what you’ve lost—I mean, we basically just met. But you seem nice, and, well, we’re a squad now so we gotta look out for each other, secrets and all. Not that I’m gonna the others! I just meant that your secret is safe with me, is all. You’re still Sir Liese Brendorn until you tell me otherwise.”[/color]