Taking the glass of water offered she took a sip only to realise how thirsty she had been, draining the cup quickly she hadn’t noticed how dry her mouth was, but she doubted she had been able to drink much before now. Holding the glass in her hands she could feel the burning sensation to her side reminding her of the wound and she was certain no hospital had been involved, not when she felt this tender to the pain, and she had been lucky enough to receive care at the top-notch hospitals they had here in the Capital. Cas was safe, but not here. Could she blame him? The way she had left him had been cruel. Maybe he had already move on and didn’t care for her now and that was why she was in Jacob’s condo, not the palace and not a hospital but it still left the question as to why Jacob had saved her of all people. How did they know where she was? It wasn’t a coincidence that Jacob had saved her of all people, but she doubted he had kept an eye on her movements when leaving the Capital before. Iris knew that Ethan had been texting Cas, winding him up even though he had promised that he would leave him alone because she had returned to the districts to him. It had been stupid of her, but she had hoped that it would mean Cas could focus on the more important stuff, like running the kingdom. Yet, she had been saved. Maybe Cas wasn’t angry with her? But he wasn’t here so maybe he just didn’t want her life on his conscious? [color=f49ac2]“Dead…”[/color] Repeating the words to herself, confirming for herself that Ethan was dead and wouldn’t be there to harm her or Cas anymore. His vengeance had been somewhat personal, poisoning those around him making them believe it was for the rebellion. It wasn’t over, sure Ethan was dead, but the rebellion wasn’t and now she didn’t have any insight on what could potentially harm the new King, but they now knew of a potential weakness in the fact that the King would send a strike team out for a hostage. [color=f49ac2]“He shouldn’t have sent anyone… you shouldn’t have saved me.”[/color] Without thinking her hand went to her side pressing the white fabric into the wound and she felt a wetness beneath it, pulling it back to reveal blood underneath. [color=f49ac2]“I can’t stay here.”[/color] Whispering more to herself than anything, she couldn’t be here in Jacobs condo regardless on if she needed to heal or not. Sighing it was all too much, the pain in her side wasn’t helping her think straight either and she didn’t feel comfortable asking for pain relief. Rest would be good, but she wasn’t comfortable in the slightest. [color=f49ac2]“Is Cas mad at me?”[/color] It was the only explanation she could think of, and it made sense as to why he wasn’t here. Glancing back at Jacob as he looked to leave so she could rest, not that she wanted too. Being left to her own thoughts wasn’t what she wanted in the slightest, but she doubted Jacob wanted to stick around.