[hider=The grape, the blunt and the ugh] [center][h1][color=95AA71]Zarai[/color] & [color=00aeef]Kazumin[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Watching him with a raised brow, Zarai rolled her eyes as she crouched down and began to help the man. [color=95AA71]"Zaira, no title- unless we are in front of my mother."[/color] Which she hoped would not happen any time soon. Best to avoid the woman for the rest of the night and hopefully the week. Zarai shook her head as she crouched down and began to pick up the grapes that had rolled under the table. Once they were finished, she dumped the grapes back onto the plate before taking the offered bottle. [color=95AA71]"Your juggling wasn't bad, would have helped if the grapes were bigger."[/color] She smiled, raising the bottle as thanks before taking a sip from it. [color=95AA71]"I still don't know your name, sir."[/color] She offered the bottle back to him. Once again finding himself surprised this night when he saw the woman actually crouch down to help him. He moved to tell her that she didn’t need to since this was a mess he made, but hearing her requesting not to refer to her by the usual title told him it was best to leave it.” [color=00aeef]Alright, then good to meet ya, Zaira though it might be good to point out this mother of yours so I know not to speak so casually were she to pass by.[/color]” Kazu chimed in with a small teasing grin as he continued on with picking up any stray grapes. Soon hearing Zarai speak up again with a teasing comment of her own.” [color=00aeef]Well thanks. I Did my best but I think I will stick to juggling with tomatoes or turnips, at least they aren’t so slippery… of course it does hurt more when dropped on the head I’ll say.[/color]” chuckling while grabbing the last few remaining fruits or at least that he could see. Pushing off the ground with a low grunt where he was reminded of having forgotten to give his name.”[color=00aeef] Did I? Ugh, sorry. My mind is a jumbled mess right now.[/color]” Slapping the palm of his left hand against his forehead with a frustrated groan for being so forgetful.” [color=00aeef]The name’s Kazumin but feel free to call me Kazo- I mean Kazu.[/color]” He quickly corrected at the end there as the new nickname he recently acquired he preferred only Ani referred to him by.” [color=00aeef]Got a lot of stuff on my mind, none of which interesting enough to bore you with my troubles.[/color]” Nodding his head as he discarded the grapes on the same plate she did before taking the offered bottle.” [color=00aeef]So what was this favor you wanted from me?[/color]” [color=95AA71]"If you see a lady with over-the-top dresses and lots of diamonds, that is my mother. Please do stay away, one of her past-time hobbies is ridiculing others' fashion."[/color] Zarai rolled her eyes talking about her mother, she could already see Duchess Lesdeman staring at Kazu's cowlick. [color=95AA71]"Anyway, it sounds like you have already gotten enough of crazy tonight, so care to join me for one of these?"[/color] She pulled out a small brown cigarette looking tube. [color=95AA71]"It's from Alidasht, it relaxes you mind and body like no wine ever could."[/color] Kazu folded his arms and nodded his head to show he was listening to Zarai’s descriptions of her mother when he noticed her looking off in a certain direction. He leaned over to see where she was looking until he saw the woman mentioned and boy she wasn’t kidding, the woman’s dress glittered with so many diamonds that the dress might as well be a diamond itself. The last bit she said got him scoffing dismissively.” [color=00aeef]Oh, she can insult away as much as she likes, it wouldn’t bother me none. I never really pay attention nor care how others view me other than family and close friends.[/color]'' Said with a cheeky grin as he offered Zarai’s mother a friendly salute, amused at the aghast expression she was likely to make. The sound of rummaging caught his attention prompting him to turn his head to see the brown cigarette held in her fingers, but the smell coming from it quickly told it was no simple cigarette.”[color=00aeef] Whew, you have no idea and I have a feeling my string of weird luck is just beginning. So, anything better than this weak swill is good with me and not like I could pass up a chance to try some Alidasht special contraband.[/color]” Studying the little brown tube curiously; anything that could settle his fried nerves was certainly a godsave right now and sure to help him endure whatever fate sought to throw at him for the rest of the evening. [color=95AA71]"Thank the Creators she is not your mother, good sir."[/color] Zaira smiled at him, glancing to the direction of her mother, ducking quickly when the woman turned to look at the gentleman waving her way. She eyed the boy, her expression clearly disapproving of him before turning her attention back to one of her friends. [color=95AA71]"Dear Kazu, do try not to draw her attention. She has yet to see me and I wish to enjoy this night as much as I can before she ruins it."[/color] She motioned him to one of the balconies. [color=95AA71]"You can claim, yes?"[/color] She turned on her heels and began leading the way. “ [color=00aeef] If she were then I’d likely have gone blind years ago from all them flashy gems.[/color]” He responded teasingly; chuckling at the way she ducked away to hide from the woman’s scathing gaze which was directed at him until she turned away to her friends.”[color=00aeef] I do apologize, but I guess it can’t be helped. She must find my r-r-r-r-rugged handsomeness too strong to resist.[/color]” Rolling his r’s during his statement causing him to break out into a bit of snickering.”[color=00aeef] Better to hide this gorgeous mug before it attracts the diamond shrew then.[/color]” Motioning his hand near his face with a small flourish to extenuate his so called handsomely rugged face while trying to hold in the laughter. Thankfully his attention was soon directed to the balcony she pointed out and gave a nod.”[color=00aeef] I do claim it best we sneak away for our little smoke.[/color]” He gave her mother who was still turned away a small wiggling wave of his fingers before turning to the balcony, giving a small mock bow as he went.” [color=00aeef] Let us be away then, miss Zai.[/color]” A playful wink given as he made for the balcony while keeping his body a bit low to avoid having their departure noticed by the shrew. Zarai snorted at his over-the-top motion. [color=95AA71]"Well, we should get going before you attack any more ladies with those rugged looks and a face so handsome that even Prince Felix would envy."[/color] She glanced back to her mother, cursing under her breath as Duchess Lesdeman turned towards their direction just as Zarai and Kazu disappeared behind the double doors that led to the balcony. [color=95AA71]"When I was little my mother loved to visit Queen Alibeth during the winter. So when I wanted to run away I came here."[/color] Zarai returned Kazu's wink with a grin before climbing on the rail and jumping up to grab the overhang above them. With the trail of her coat waving in the air she pulled herself up and sat on the edge. [color=95AA71]"Well? Are you going to join me, [I]mijo?[/i]"[/color] He almost laughed at her joke had it not also mentioned one of the princes which instead had him flinching due to his recent encounter with prince Wulfric still very fresh on his mind. A man he hoped to not see again anytime soon or next time might find himself frozen from the man’s bone chilling aura. Still, he managed a smile; following Zarai to the balcony where the crisp fresh air helped get his mind off that chilling encounter once more and with it let loose a low relieved sigh. “ [color=00aeef] There we are. I shan’t harm any more ladies with this drop dead gorgeous mug of mine out here.[/color]” His voice momentarily shaky before returning to its usual cheeky manner. He soon saw what Zai was doing and turned his head away partially when she started to climb. Doing so not out of shyness or modesty, but simply to avoid seeing anything he shouldn’t...just to be safe.” [color=00aeef] Not only mischievous but also good at climbing as well. You’re quite the bold and interesting woman, I’ll admit.[/color]” Chuckling while moving over to climb his way up and did so with such ease that one could mistake Kazu for a monkey were they to see him from a distance, especially so with that cowlick bouncing atop his head. Soon plopping down beside Zai, his legs dangling over the edge and his arms used to hold himself up for him to lean back.”[color=00aeef] A good place you’ve chosen to hide away and I bet even during winter it was still warmer than being around those stuffy and lifeless nobles.[/color]” This time letting out the jolly laugh he held back previously where it echoed off into the distance as if the night sky relished and joined his jest. [color=95AA71]"Why thank you, kind sir. There are lots of things you don't know about me,"[/color] She smiled, pulling out the Alidasht contraband from her pocket followed by a match. [color=95AA71]"My home is Varian, summer there is colder than any winter here. We were simply constructed uniquely."[/color] She laughed softly and lit their little friend before taking a long deep drag. The cool wind blew the smoke away from their faces. [color=95AA71]"Mmmm, that hits the spot."[/color] She said and passed the blunt to Kazu with a grin. [color=95AA71]"But I do agree that any cold spot is better than being stuck down there. Besides, it's peaceful here, and you get a nice view of the gardens."[/color] She could count with one hand as to how many people knew of her spot, and she intended to keep it that way. Taking this moment to enjoy whatever view the moon decided to grace with its light while Zai spoke up.” [color=00aeef] Varian, eh? I’ve done a few trips to the cold regions helping my pa deliver crops. I recall nearly having my nethers frozen and that was during the summer. Loathes me to think what your winters are like.[/color]” He grinned after telling his brief little adventure into our neighboring kingdom, turning his head to see her get the Alidasht flavored blunt lit and ready. His turn for a hit soon came when he reached out to take the offered cig, though took a moment to think if this might be a bad idea, seeing as how he’s down two and a half bottles of wine and working on a third one. After that moment of reflecting gave a shrug of his shoulders and took a small drag for a start to test it. A wise decision indeed for he found himself coughing with tears stinging his eyes.” [color=00aeef] Whoa-ho *cough* that’s some potent stuff…got a bit of a spicy kick to it too.[/color]” Said through the coughing fit it left him in, but already he could feel the stress and worries of the day and more melting away. [color=95AA71]"The trick is to layer as much as you can with warm cloths to the point you can't move."[/color] Zarai watched him bring the blunt up to his lips. [color=95AA71]"At least that way you precious nethers are saved from frostbite."[/color] She laughed and leaned back with one hand looking up at the sky. It felt almost freeing to be up here away from the formalities and titles of the nobility. [color=95AA71]"Perhaps I should have warned you about the kick,"[/color] Zarai grinned as she took the blunt back. [color=95AA71]"I am curious, Kazu, what brings you here?"[/color] She took another drag, this time blowing the smoke through her nose. [color=95AA71]"Looking for a wife?"[/color] She didn't look at him when she offered the smoke back. Still recovering from the coughing fit, his hand patting against his chest.” [color=00aeef] Good advice, I’ll be sure to remember for my next visit.[/color]” He said through a wheeze before leaning away to spit. He leaned back with a small coughing sigh. [color=00aeef] ” A warning would have been good, but don’t go thinking I'm lightweight. We get good booze well enough but quality weed? Harder to come by.[/color]” Kazu stated to avoid any confusion on that end. Taking the offered blunt once more, preparing to take another hit when he heard her question which he scoffed at.” [color=00aeef] I’m here as a plus one basically and if I was looking for something, a wife would be the last thing I’d look for.[/color]” Shaking his head laughing, finding the mere idea ridiculous as he took another draw, this time better prepared and only coughed a few times.” [color=00aeef] What about *cough* you? Looking for a dear hubby?[/color]” He asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone while blowing the smoke upward. [color=95AA71]"Shame, I know a few ladies down there would fancy you."[/color] She said in a teasing manner before looking back at him. Zarai saw no reason to lie to Kazu or anyone about her reason for attending this season. It was what this whole event had been created after all. The wealthy nobles and those seeking to further their ambitions by securing a wealthy partner were all gathered right under them. She was just trying to get out of a shitty marriage with old and stinky Lord Monet. Zarai was not willing to wait until the old geezer kicked the bucket. [color=95AA71]"Yes, I am."[/color] What she said made him raise a brow.”[color=00aeef] That I find a bit hard to believe but I won’t argue. Don’t want to ruin the fun we’re having.[/color]” Letting out a small chuckle then took another drag from the blunt before passing it over, this time holding the smoke in for a good five seconds before slowly exhaling for it to be carried away by the wind. He peered up at the moon which seemed to dance with colors thanks to the weed.” [color=00aeef] That’s what these events are for, yeah? For nobles to show off their kids like prized cows in hopes to better their family standings, no?[/color]” The words meant to be in his head spilled out without meaning to; blinking as it took a few moments longer to realize and sat up waving his hands frantically.”[color=00aeef] Not that I’m calling you or any ladies a cow or anything! I just uh...shit… sorry.[/color]” Scratching at his head trying to get his fleeting thoughts together but his mind was getting cloudier by the second.”[color=00aeef] What I meant to say was that uh…any guy that can’t see what a strong and fun person you are then they’re utter morons. I mean..I don’t know too many ladies willing to eat grapes that had been knocked to the floor for one thing.[/color]” He said with a nod but then turned to hide his face in his hands where he gave a muffled groan. Zarai looked at him with a serious face for a second or two before bursting out laughing. She had to hold on to Kazu's arm as she laughed so she wouldn't roll down the roof. [color=95AA71]"Oh fuck- you, sir, are the funniest person to have graced the ballroom of Sorian."[/color] She said after finally calming down enough to get her words out. [color=95AA71]"No, no, you are right."[/color] She shook her head, taking back the blunt. She stared at it for a moment before taking in a long drag and holding it in for a few seconds. [color=95AA71]"We are pretty much cattle,"[/color] She blew the air out of her nose and continued to giggle as she spoke, [color=95AA71]"Our parents train us since we are little girls to be obedient. We have the privilege to learn music, read, and write but all for one purpose only; get married to some wealthy man that is probably just looking for the largest dowry they could find."[/color] She dangled her feet over the edge and passed the blunt back to Kazu. [color=95AA71]"Hmm, but you are right; anyone who does not see how [I]strong and fun[/i] I am is indeed a moron."[/color] She laughed again. The panic that nearly swelled through him anew was quickly flushed away by relief at the fact she wasn’t mad, instead found his bumbling antics funny, but he knew he had to reign in his loose tongue lest he say something he shouldn’t to the wrong person. A difficult task when going through such a strong high as he was experiencing. Listening to what Zai said helped him to relax again though it also brought a sad expression to his covered face. Dragging his hands down his face with a weary sigh.” [color=00aeef] Gods that sounds awful. I have experienced the noble lifestyle for three months only and am already thinking about sneaking back to the farm.[/color]” Giving his head a little shake to rid himself of the bit of jitters still plaguing him.”[color=00aeef] The fact you put up with it for years…yes, I’d dare say you are strong…definitely stronger than me that’s for sure.[/color]” Reaching over to give her shoulder an assuring pat wanting to let her know he meant it along with another of his patented cheeky smile. She looked at him, then at the hand on her shoulder. [color=95AA71]"This lifestyle... forget it."[/color] She scoffed and stopped herself from talking. Creators know how often she argued with other nobles and even royals about her opinions of Nobility life or Monarchies. She'd already argued enough with Prince Wulfric about the subject to last her the rest of the year. Shifting to take the offered blunt, his mouth opening as if to say more only for his stomach to speak up instead with a rumble loud enough to rival the growl of a bear. A sound that might have been heard in the hall if not for the music picking up in preparation for the second dance that had Kazu looking straight ahead; face a bit flushed.”[color=00aeef] Wow...as much I’d love to continue our chat and smoke…but seeing as I was already hungry enough to eat a horse before, now I’m hungry enough for two horses…and a side of pig.[/color]” Rubbing at his belly which grumbled in agreement.” [color=00aeef] I better go satisfy this fella before it leaves me all grouchy.[/color]” Chuckling as he kicked his legs up to jump down from the ledge; normally this is where he would make a graceful landing but the weed left his legs feeling partially like jelly causing him to stumble to the point of nearly falling. She laughed again, this time a bit more controlled despite the lightness she felt in her head from the drug. [color=95AA71]"Please do be careful when you-"[/color] She watched as Kazu practically jumped down to the balcony without a care in the world. She grinned and followed afoot with the blunt between her lips. She landed lightly on her feet, thankful for the low heel she had worn tonight. Thankfully he was saved through instinct to spin around on his heel and using the momentum to correct his body, finding himself facing back towards the door where he threw his arms up in showman fashion trying to pass it off as if he planned it.” [color=00aeef] Ta-da! I hope this little showing will do for a start as thanks for spending time with this humble grape spiller.”[/color] He followed up with a low bow with a wide wave of his right arm crossing across his chest.”[color=00aeef]Until next we meet, Miss Zai, hopefully soon and one that I hope to not come off looking as foolish as I did this night..[/color]” Lifting his head giving a wide cheeky grin, intending to say more when yet again his stomach rumbled to spur him to get moving posthaste. With one last awkward laugh and bow of his head, Kazu departed in a way similar to a person in dire need of a restroom almost. Zarai straightened up, adjusting the coat and brushing off her trousers before looking at Kazu with another grin. [color=95AA71]"We shall meet again, Mr. Kazu, and hopefully where titles are left at the door."[/color] She mimicked his bow, winking at him before he departed and left her alone on the balcony by herself, where she finished the rest of her little contraband. [/hider]