Presididnt of Freedomville was nice man and very nice. He sat in big office with big desk with the metal balls on a string that hit each other and then the other metal ball on the other side goes up when the ball hits it (sory idk what they are called :/ ) Suddenly man in suit come it. It one of Persdent's helpers. "What's the dillyo, mungbean?" Predsident of Freedomville asks. "Can't you see I'm playing with my balls?" "Mister president sir, it's going to be election time. What do we do?" "Run some ads for Pete's sake!" He statemented ----- TV SCREENS ACROSS FREEDOMVILLE Ad comes on with [url=]nice music[/url]: "Freedom," A sonorous, Morgan Freeman-y voice said over a shot of a sunrise over Freedomville. " It's what makes Freedomville, well... Freedomville. But Freedom isn't free. It takes a lot of hard work, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to have Freedom." Televisions across Freedombille transitioned to a shot of Freedomville steel mill workers clad in high-vis vests and hardhats oversaw molten metal being poured into a giant vat, casting their faces and the interior of the foundry in warm, orange light. Another shot of a Freedomville firefighter atop a ladder retrieving a tabby from the branches of a tree, followed by a shot of the President of Freeddomville in a huddle with a handful of baseball cap wearing farmers beside a giant tractor in a soybean field. "And nobody works harder for that freedom than our president, President of Freedomville. So remember, a vote for President of Freedomville is a vote for more freedom. And that's what makes Freedomville, well, Free. As the music wound down, a sunset cityscape of the Freedomville capital transitioned into a shot of the Freedomville flag fluttering in slow motion over the voice of the Presdidn't himself. "I'm President of Freedomville and I approve this message!"