[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/L3L0n/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo1MiwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjUyLCJmZ2MiOiIjMTg3OEUyIiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/U2NyYXByaWc/reactive-anchor.png[/img] [color=5081e1]______________________________________________________________[/color] Jane barely caught the earpiece that the Director tossed her way. Her mechanical arm jerked forward like a dog ready to heave up something it shouldn't have bit into, and she caught it, but then it slipped out of her hand, and then she caught with her other hand, and it slipped again into her other one. Jane was many things, but a starter for the catcher position on the Redline Redliners baseball team was not one of them. When the director brought up introductions, she deliberately waited to go last so she could get a feel for these people before she said anything that might make people not like her. A girl about her age, and another tinker no less, went first. Beverly Hillshire. That was a nice name. She seemed like a pretty nice girl, Jane thought. Seeing people her age made Jane relax a little, and she started feeling a bit more optimistic about this when Overlock of all people turned out to be a member of the Ward Initiative. [i]Overclock.[/i] She knew the guy, not personally, but who in Redline hadn't at least heard of the dude? He was a big deal, as far as Jane was aware anyway. Two tinkers and a hardcore speedster who already knew what he was doing? A huge relief in Jane's eyes. While people were starting to introduce themselves, Jane started to think this might actually work out. Until she didn't... Beverly's contraption exploded into a mountain of confetti, absolutely burying the girl. Jane wasn't expecting that, so she jumped a mile like someone just popped a balloon in her face. And then another girl appeared through a portal- another mover?! -and the one who consigned herself to the corner ran over offering to heal her. It was a very hectic scene all of a sudden, not something Jane was accustomed to being right next to, and it somewhat killed the mood. Jane finally relaxed a little when one of them just went with it. The kid whose voice sounded like the color green, Will. Aka, Gray Man. He seemed awfully unbothered by the whole ordeal that just happened, and it made Jane feel even more out of place. Jeez, she [i]really[/i] should've just stayed in the yard. Okay. Introductions. Come on, she thought. At least say something. [color=5081e1]"Well, uh- That's crazy. Huh? Yeah, okay...Hi."[/color] She sounded notably awkward. [color=5081e1]"Name's Jane. Jane Rosner. I don't really have a [i]codename,[/i] but- well."[/color] She raised her arm up for them to see, in all of it's hacky, junkyardborne grittiness. Some of it actually looked like it was starting to rust over. [color=5081e1]"Tinker. If you need something big and mean or something that a person operates, that's me. Like...Uh- something you climb inside, a mech, maybe. Maybe something that move things, or, y'know. This."[/color] She motioned to the ugly-looking arm. [color=5081e1]"If anyone gets blown up and loses a leg, don't worry, huh?"[/color] God, that was awful. She meekly made her way over to one of the couches and sat down on the far edge of the first one she saw. Jane hoped, suddenly, that none of them recognized her anywhere. Moreso, she hoped that she was lucky enough that Overclock didn't happen to see her when she was putting food on the cinderblock during a split fraction of a second any time he was using his power. That lighting of his kept her awake on more than one night, and she's lost track of how many times she saw it tearing through the city. Hopefully not, she told herself, he was pretty intimidating power-wise, after all. [/center]