[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/43/44/0d/43440d8860c9554422dca65687b5c9a6.jpg[/img] [h1]OOC:[/h1] Hello Peoples! I have had this idea brewing for a short while now and figured it might be fun to attempt. In this Rp all players will take on the roll of a newly minted scout marine. A youth who, through fire and determination has survived the rigorous and often grueling training of their superiors, Their bodies fully accepting the many bio-implants and genetic alterations forced upon them, and have earned the right to finally wear and utilize the wargear of their beloved chapter. However limited their access to such hallowed equipment may be. You are all young, strong and determined to make your mark and prove yourselves worthy of your chapters name and this great opportunity to serve the Emperor in such a glorious and honoured means. For all of you this is your first real combat deployment. Your first true test. Everything up until the moment of deployment. Each pain accepted, limb broken and psychological torment endured through sheer force of will has only been to prepare you all for this. War.... This one act that will become your sole purpose of existence for the rest of your artificially elongated lives. Potentially centuries worth of battles and thousands of enemies might be slain by you personally as you carve a name for yourself in the flesh of the Emperor's foes. If you can survive the next few decades as a neophyte & chapter scout anyhow. [hider=Some Basic background on Scout marines:] Space marines are not immortal. They are not invincible and they are not unkillable. Though it certainly takes more effort to fell such a powerful warrior it does happen. And the chapters of the adeptus astartes are all forced to keep a constant flow of recruits through their doors. Between battlefield losses and the grueling rites of initiation, physical punishment and genetic tampering each marine is forced to undergo Attrition rates are attrocious even before a space marine has earn the right to call himself such, And wear the hallowed power armour and colours of his chapter. Every Chapter of Space Marines must recruit new warriors into its ranks in order to survive. The process varies from Chapter to Chapter, Whatever the tradition of a particular Chapter, warriors must always be chosen when they are still young, before their bodies become too mature to accept the many bio-implants. Once accepted, the genetic implantation and induction of the Space Marine organs begins. The warrior has taken his first steps to becoming a full fledged Space Marine. During those years, the warrior is known as a Neophyte, or Space Marine Scout -- he is neither fully a Space Marine nor entirely a normal human. The Scout is then placed under the tutelage of a cadre of instructors who will oversee his induction and training and also lead the Scouts in battle. Not yet ready to join a proper battle company, the young Scouts live alongside their brothers in the 10th Company halls where they will sleep and train, learning the history of their Chapter. Space Marine Scouts are neither as tough nor as experienced as full Space Marines. Scouts can fight alongside other Space Marines in the main battle-lines, and often do so, during moments of desperation. Only after a Scout has proven himself in combat will his sergeant judge him worthy of the title of Space Marine, and declare him ready to don the armour and full heraldry of his chapter. [/hider] [h2]Character Creation[/h2] [hider=basic info & sheet]Character creation has just a few simple rules. Yes Space marines are tantamount to demigods but they still have limitations both physical and mental. As far as creating a space marine goes, even a junior one, There is obviously the expectation you are already well above the average. That's fine, just keep it within a reasonable sphere of power. TLDR don't try dueling chaos lords or Drukhari archons and we should be fine. Character Creation Sheet: Name: if this has to be explained to anyone than I am sorry, there is no hope. Age: As you are all newly minted scouts you are all around 19-25 years old. But still superhuman in proportions of raw intelligence, reflexes and boosted strength. Appearance: Pictures are fine here, no anime is all I ask. A written description is fine as well. Equipment: Scout carapiece armour is a given for this. And the bare minimum scout loadout consists of grenades, a bolt pistol and a combat knife. With a group this small I would rather not have everyone in the squad take up a sniper rifle and special weapons. & remember loadouts are expected to change with each deployment so don't get too attached to the idea of one specific weapon. There's nothing wrong with picking up a standard bolter or going bolt pistol/combat knife. The classics are classic for a reason. Psychological profile: I honestly don't expect or need much here. Don't make your character too much of a lone wolf to the point where I and the other players have to waste time convincing you to join the game and we should be fine. Being a team player is something scout marines must learn to do. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/a/ac/Neophyte_Scout.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110304083711[/img] As a visual reference. Here is a scout marine armed in their typical panoply of war. [/hider] Some people might have noticed I didn't add a section for background to the CS and that is deliberate. You are all young and new to the chapter. You haven't really have the opportunity to make your histories yet, and for some of you the transition into becoming an astartes was so traumatic it may have wiped your memories of your mortal lives partially or entirely.