[hider=Tsukigami Katsuo][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eQnL5bF.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zZJUxaQ.jpg[/img] [color=C12E4B][h3][b][color=C12E4B]Tsukigami Katsuo🌑27🌑Male[/color][/b][/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [h2][u][b][color=C12E4B]Appearance[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [color=lightgray] [b][color=C12E4B]Height:[/color][/b] 200 lbs [b][color=C12E4B]Weight:[/color][/b] [b][color=C12E4B]6’2[/color][/b] [b][color=C12E4B]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Red [b][color=C12E4B]Hair Length/Texture:[/color][/b] Thick hair down to his lower back [b][color=C12E4B]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Black [b][color=C12E4B]Skin Color:[/color][/b] Pale White [b][color=C12E4B]Facial details(freckles, moles, etc):[/color][/b] Strangely colored eyes [b][color=C12E4B]Clothing Preferences:[/color][/b] Traditional robes and armor [/color] [hr] [h2][u][b][color=C12E4B]Psychology[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [color=lightgray] [b][color=C12E4B]Likes:[/color][/b] 🌑Flowers 🌑The Moon 🌑Beautiful women 🌑To be in control 🌑Nature 🌑Noodles 🌑Ravens [/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Hates:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray] 🌑Wystan Blackmane 🌑Being abandoned 🌑Betrayal 🌑The corrupt and twisted world 🌑Hurting children or those who do so 🌑Alcohol or drugs 🌑Slavery[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Sexuality:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Straight[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Life Goals/Dreams:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]“I want to change this corrupted and twisted world. That is my only dream.”[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Personality Summary:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray] Tsukigami is introverted and short when it comes to speaking to strangers. He is scared to open up and trust others. Those he meets often find he is quick to get angry; he seems to be tension itself manifested as a being. He has absolutely no sense of humor despite being naturally intelligent. His charisma is completely lacking; he is too blunt and honest for his own good. On the more positive side of his personality, he is brave and extremely determined. He fixates on a goal and cannot be deterred. He refuses to let needless suffering occur around him and will do anything in his power to stop it if he sees it, but also will strike down anyone causing it to others. Though he loathes his violent past, he tends to often get into rages and hurt others around him who anger him. His trauma haunts him and he struggles with it, often having nightmares. He has a no-nonsense attitude and has a never-ending amount of energy to keep moving. Deep down underneath all the anger is a lonely and guarded man. Though he has existed for twenty-seven years, he’s only just started living. It is not always visual on his face but he will get enchanted by the little things he finds as he is just discovering the world such as pretty girls or wonderful sights of nature. [/color] [hr] [h2][u][b][color=C12E4B]Background[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [b][color=C12E4B]Current occupation:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Mercenary[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Any past occupations?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]None.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Relatives:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]None that he knows of.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray] 🌑Martial and ranged combat in various weapons 🌑Hand to hand combat 🌑High stamina and endurance 🌑Killing 🌑High intelligence 🌑Great eyesight 🌑Excellent hand-eye coordination and aim[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]History Summary:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Tsukigami was born into the slave trade of Caesonia that goes right under King Edin’s narcissistic nose. Through many cities, people are carted for all sorts of uses. One of the most popular were the fighting rings, where even the rich would sneak in to bet on who would win and would die. Tsukigami found himself just there at a young age. If he had parents before, he couldn’t remember them now. For his own sanity perhaps his memory is a bloody haze. Tsukigami lived to survive in the ring as it was the only thing he knew. He hated killing other children but what other choice did he have in the position he was in and kill he did. Love, friends, family… These were things he never got acquainted with. All he knew was to sleep, eat and fight. Then one day everything changed. He met a child named Wystan Blackmane, a fellow ring fighter who had struck down every opponent with ease. He had approached him with jealousy only for the two of them to find solace in each other. After years of being alone, the two quickly became friends. The two were competitive but secretly Tsukigami would always go easy on him not wanting to hurt the only person who showed any care for him. Then when Tsukigami was nineteen years old, he was mortally injured in a fight and needed to recover. He was taken from the ring and rushed to someplace he can not remember. When he woke up, he felt completely fine. The only side effect was that his eyes had taken on a red color, Little did he know days had passed. Tsukigami had finally been returned to the ring and when he did, he realized that Wystan was gone. He asked everyone only to find out he had left with someone. Abandoned by his only friend, he had his heart shattered and was rebuilt with a new feeling of hatred. The betrayal tore him apart inside as his world was once again only pain. There was no one he could trust and there never had been. This hatred festered as he continued to fight slaughtering those he fought with violence, rivalled by none now as he was being entered in fights with older competitors. He became to be known as “The Demon of the Ring” a title only solidified by the deep red eyes that looked into those he took the lives of. At the age of 25, he was offered freedom due to the fact the ring was losing too many competitors and money with him around. They told him if he managed to kill fifteen others in the same fight all pitted against him he would gain his freedom. The demon did not hold back fueled by the rage of his desire to kill Wystan for abandoning him. Though he had suffered many deep cuts and multiple broken bones, Tsukigami survived. He won his freedom and a chance to not only finally see the world he had missed out on all his life, but to change it. He left the arena, not looking back. A year later, a man approached him offering him a job as a mercenary which he took. He has worked for him since. [/color] [hr] [h2][u][b][color=C12E4B]Questionnaire[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [u][b][color=C12E4B]History[/color][/b][/u] [b][color=C12E4B]Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Neglect? This is an understatement when you are forced to kill and harm others just to survive almost half your life.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I had no sanctuary, I see no true sanctuary in this hell we call a world. The only sanctuary is death, even my dreams are filled with pain and anguish.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What were you like in your teenage years?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I had no teenage years, those were filled with killing and fighting.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]How close are you to your parents?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I don’t have a family. They either sold me or were killed possibly both.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Do you have any trauma that haunts you?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]My entire life was filled with trauma, why would you even ask this after what I have told you already…[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What advice would you give your younger self?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Just survive and change this world or die trying.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Were you an obedient child or defiant?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I was forced to be obedient or else I would be beaten or worse… Killed.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What is your biggest regret?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I didn’t kill Wystan when I had the chance… If I knew he would abandon and betray me as he did. He called me his friend, he is a counterfeit.[/color] [u][b][color=C12E4B]Romance[/color][/b][/u] [b][color=C12E4B]Have you ever been in love? :[/color][/b] [color=lightgray] I have never been shown love by anyone.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I just want someone to care for me… To love me and my flaws.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]How do you display affection? What is your love language?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I am not sure and how could I know.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]No…[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I am not sure what I believe about love I have yet to feel it.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What does marriage mean to you?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I don’t know.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Are you currently crushing on anyone?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]No… I am not.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Do you ever consider having children in the future?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I would like someone to carry on my dream if I cannot succeed myself. If they felt different I would still love them but I don’t want them to have to worry that they could end up in the place I grew up.[/color] [u][b][color=C12E4B]Personality[/color][/b][/u] [b][color=C12E4B]Describe your ideal Sunday morning:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I prefer the silence of night.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What kind of person do you aspire to be?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I aspire to change the world and be someone who creates a heaven from this hell we live in.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What bad habits do you have?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I am constantly worried someone will try to kill me and don’t react well to surprises or fast movements towards my body.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray] I would change everything. The only past I know is despair.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What is your greatest fear?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]Not being able to change this world.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]What are your pet peeves?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]People being ungrateful for the peace they have in their lives.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I prefer to be alone it’s the only true thing I have realized that stays with me.[/color] [b][color=C12E4B]Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]I am well adept at both.[/color][/hider]