Hoshiko wasn't sure what to think. She didn't understand any of this at all. Warped were attacking people within the city walls. Killing them. A somewhat grim expression was on the girl's face as she considered that information once more. These people were supposed to be safe, and yet there were being killed in terrible ways. A part of her wished she already knew, so that she could have intervened before anyone got hurt. A part of her hated that it took this long for her to know. The brunette took a deep breath, shoulders sagging. "I don't really know what's going on, but..." she paused for a moment, glancing over the information again, "We have to stop it before anyone else gets hurt, so I'll do my best!" Hoshiko raised one fist and clenched it in the air for emphasis, nodding to herself. But it quickly dawned on her that she had no idea where to start. She had to do something, but where did she even begin? "Um... you said you needed addresses?" she asked, grabbing a map and spreading it out, "Tell me where they are and I'll start marking them down!" Indeed, as soon as she was instructed, Hoshiko would begin to mark each address with a red X. [@PKMNB0Y][@Mole][@Laduguer]