[center][h1]Plot Point[/h1][/center] [hr] Blinding light surged from shattered candle. The light itself almost seeming to twinkle in the air. Many cultists dropped to the ground stunned by the sudden lost of Insight. Most impacted, however was the Sightless. "Attack!" The lead soldier shouted, snapping to his senses. "And for senses sake! Give Týfurkh back his gear men!" The soldiers disguised as wall guards, jumped to life. Giving Týfurkh his equipment back and setting to work at securing the building. The lead soldier and three others quickly drew their weapons and attacked the most threating opponent. The Sightless. The scene turned to choas, with dieing Cultist falling to the ground like flies. Some of the cultist, however, manage to recover from their shock and quickly got back to their feet in a vain attempt to fend off their attackers. The soldier were quick to secure the back entrance of the Church meeting up with Karina, Jen, Octavio, Chres and the remain soldiers not in disguise. With the back entrance secure, three groups of soldiers split off. the first group started making ground towards the front with some of the soldier strategically positioning furniture to cover the bigger windows in the building. The second group worked to secure the second floor, as they started fighting their way up the nearby staircase. The third group of soldiers, a significantly smaller group, made for the basement. Back with the Sightless, the soldiers had been quick to make swallow wounds. they had initially been thrown off by the thickness of the Sightless's skin but they adjusted quickly, attempting to pierce the hide with sharp thrusts rather than attacking with slashes. The Sightless cried out in sorrow, confusion, pain and fury. Sorrow at the sudden lost of Insight. Confusion at the sudden attack. Pain from the wounds inflicted upon him. And fury at his inability to anticipate the attack. He attacked with his sharpened tendrils blindly. Taking out one of the soldiers in the attack. He then leapt backwards in an attempt to avoid more attacks only to collide with a soldier behind him, who then lodged his sword in the Sightless's back shoulder. Sightless Talne roared, as his wounds slowly worked to heal up. He turn his left fingers into a second set of tendrils and dung them into the earth beneath his feet. He needed to reconnect with the roots of the seed of Insight! He need to get some form of vision back! Deep into the earth, the tendrils dug, following a familiar pulsing. The call of the Seed and the Insight it promised. At last he found it! His tendrils wrapped around the Seed's root. Dots of life spring up in his sightless gaze. A piece of Insight returned! While he could not make out the building, He could now see the living soldiers around him. Yes! Now he could fight back! Now he could... The Slightless turned his gaze downwards, the Insight calling out in warning. There were people in the basement?! More soldiers! The soldiers in the basement raised their swords and hacked with all their might. And just like that, they chopped his tendrils in two. The world went dark once more. His connection to the Insight lost yet again. Sightless Talne bellowed in rage as the enemy descended upon him. They struck again and again, at one point even salting his wounds which in turn countered his ability to heal. Before long, he lay on the floor dying. He cursed the town. Cursed the pactmakers. Cursed Sightless Nieffar for not leaving sooner... but most of all, he cursed himself... cursed himself for staying. For had he left Nieffar behind, then none of this would have happened. [hr] The battle for the church ended as quickly as it started. Chres breathed a sigh of relief. For once something in this town had actually been easy. Chres shook his head. [color=00aeef]"Feels good to finally be the ones with the numbers on our side."[/color] He said. [color=a2d39c]"SHHHHH!"[/color] Sil said, fluttering over one of the dead cultists. [color=a2d39c]"They're sleeping!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Nope."[/color] He replied irritably, as if he didn't have the time to deal with her nonsense. [color=00aeef]"Just dead."[/color] Sil huffed and crossed her arms. [color=a2d39c]"Rude."[/color] Chres rolled his eyes and waved her off. [color=00aeef]"We best hurry."[/color] He said looking to Karina. [color=00aeef]"Your soldiers can't hold this place forever."[/color] One of the soldiers from the basement arrived in a hurry. "Lieutenant Colonel!" The soldier said. "You best come take a look at this!" [hr] The Pactmakers found no Seed of Insight in the basement of the Church. What they did find was a hidden tunnel that seemed to be shrouded in darkness. Chres could make out faint hints of a rank smell coming from the tunnel. It smelled like rot and death. This had to be it. The seed had to be at the end of this tunnel. Chres took out the Crystal Jade Candle Karina had given him. Its light did not even make it to the tunnel's end. [color=a2d39c]"Scary..."[/color] Sil whispered. Chres couldn't help but nod in agreement [color=00aeef]"I'll go first"[/color] He said, as he entered the dark abyss...