[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/884eaa213706ae9240bbcdb5ee534f07/7cccb744eeddd3a0-a6/s400x600/30223c216d517f3acd1d3d286338aea0861ac4ea.gifv[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][u]Warehouse[/u][/b] [hider=Mind Stuff for this Group]Annie - Will feel the sudden urge to attack the group in the room, and then just leave Guin - Start having a minor panic attack Lance - Fighting off the urge to pop the drug pills that are in his pocket currently Pietro - Contemplating murdering someone[/hider] [color=7ea7d8]"Getting out of here sounds great... But I'm also in the camp of tracking the others down... And I can't go racing around every building in the area to find people..."[/color] Pietro commented a loud, looking at Guin. He really didn't want to be stuck in this building too much longer, considering he knew how the others they were around felt about the pair of them. [color=53A981]"Aiding to with your spell should be a rather simple matter."[/color] Strange commented, before he started doing some magic of his own in order to potentially complete the tracking spell. Lance was still not too thrilled with how the conversation had gone so far. He honestly wasn't even too sure whether or not this version of his father actually believed everything that was being said with regards to alternate realities. The theory of the multiverse was a very real thing that existed, and people didn't necessarily think that it was likely to be true. [color=yellow]"Believe the whole situation or not, I honestly stopped caring a few minutes ago,"[/color] he ended up saying, still a bit annoyed. [color=8dc73f]"See, you talk like that, and you sound like you - well, like you."[/color] [color=yellow]"Probably because I'm still literally the same person? Just different things happened, since I never died, had a close call that resulted in me getting a transfusion from you, and also never had a sister, at all. At least as far as I'm aware of anyway."[/color] "Oh fun, so I don't exist." [color=yellow]"As far as I know, no, you don't. Seriously the whole alternate realities thing is getting confusing. For instance, this entire situation for me, is getting weird since I haven't had an argument like this with him,"[/color] Lance continued, pointing towards Banner, [color=yellow]"For well over a year now, and he ended up in space somehow, so yeah, this place is really weird."[/color] "Sounds like a whole lot of fun to me. Though I guess if I don't exist in your world the whole cult thing didn't happen, so at least that's something." [color=yellow]"...What exactly happened with that?"[/color] "Don't ask." [color=8dc73f]"....I guess Thor exists, so the multiverse? Why not..."[/color] [color=yellow]"And once again, going to reiterate, Pietro is not with the Brotherhood, and not a complete psycho, he's actually a hero and not a villain,"[/color] Lance added, just as Strange completed the spell. [color=53A981]"Well, this is quite the predicament. Though I suppose the spell could be picking up the counterparts of your other companions, I doubt that though. It would appear that they are in the Frost International Headquarters. Also known as one of the many bases of operations for..."[/color] Strange said, before Pietro cut him off. [color=7ea7d8]"The Hellfire Club,"[/color] he interjected rather abruptly. [color=53A981]"So they exist in your world?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah..."[/color] [color=FF17F2]"Um... For those of us in the room who don't know. Who are the Hellfire Club?"[/color] Klara asked. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, not too sure how much this version is different from ours... But they are very similar to the Brotherhood in many ways. My father actually is a member last I checked, a part of what's known as the "Inner Circle" and holds a rank in the club, that being the White King, since the main 4 leaders of the group go off of the King and Queen pieces on a chess board..."[/color] [color=53A981]"I assure you, in our world the Hellfire Club can be just as bad, though Magneto is not a member here. Actually the Brotherhood and Hellfire Club tend to be at each other's throats half the time, and the other half of the time they are fighting against us. It just depends on the situation."[/color] [color=fff79a]"We have had more then a few run ins with them. They crave power, and while the Brotherhood works to get rid of humans, the Hellfire Club prefers to sit on top and have them all serve them instead."[/color] Thor added, speaking up at the moment. Banner sighed. [color=8dc73f]“Honestly they’re a bunch of rich assholes in fetish gear. Tony loved their parties.”[/color] Pietro had gone somewhat quiet at this point though, and Guin would potentially notice a slight shift in his demeanor mentally in his head. Lance was just sort of listening to the conversation, well, half listening anyway, as his mind started to wander randomly away from what was happening. However he at least got pulled from his mental thoughts for a second, as there was the sound of a door closing, and footsteps as Lance's counterpart walked into the room, before proceeding to ignore everyone else and find a chair that he ended up slouched in it, though it did look like he passed out the instant he sat down. [b][u]Frost International Building[/u][/b] Klara was seemingly getting a bit annoyed with Ed at this point. "Would you stop comparing me to the version of me from your reality or whatever? [b]I am not her![/b] You keep saying all of these things that I supposedly can do, but I can't, because I am not her, and don't know what the hell I'm doing half the time! So would you stop with the comparisons! I can do some things, but not everything. So just deal with it!" [color=007236][i]...Aren't Asgardian weapons enchanted and magical most of the time or whatever? As in like, can hurt things that normally can't?[/i][/color] [color=CB7B00]"Look, I get it, you hate comparisons, whatever. One thing you might not care about is that a lot of Asgardian weapons typically are magical and can hurt things that others can't. You know, in case you decide to poke Juggernaut with that stick of yours. Just saying since you all were having a conversation about not having access to magic that is attacking or whatever."[/color] "...Wait really? I didn't know that. Did I? Sorry, brain is not wanting to work... Well that's how it is most days..." [color=CB7B00]"So how about you use it then?"[/color] she snapped, a bit annoyed, before she turned her attention towards Tom again, who was still there while Quicksilver had disappeared again because of Bethany and Nightlocke. She shot vines out of her pocket that charged straight at him. Before he could react again, the vines seemed to wrap completely around him, and were proceeding to start to strangle him based on appearances. [color=007236][i]Don't kill the guy![/i][/color] [color=CB7B00][i]Please, he clearly deserves it.[/i][/color] [color=007236][i]NO![/i][/color] she ended up stumbling slightly forward, now having a bit of a killer headache. Though she did loosen up the vines slightly, so he was just more of restrained now rather then being strangled. [color=007236]"You are getting a little annoying though..."[/color] she muttered under her breath. Klara seemed to think for a moment, before she muttered something under her breath, before throwing her sword, directly at the bubble that Juggernaut was in. However, instead of just hitting the shield, or popping the bubble, the sword managed to go straight [i]through[/i] it. The sword managed to slice into Juggernaut's arm, causing a gash of sorts it would seem, before shooting straight through the other side, and lodging itself firmly into the wall. The bubble shield that Ed had created remained firmly intact for the moment at least. Even with Juggernaut slamming into it, so odds were it still wouldn't last forever, but it was holding for now. "Huh, learn something new every day," Klara commented, before she walked over and dislodged her sword from the wall. Quicksilver instantly raced back into the room, starting to get more then a little annoyed with Bethany and her counterpart. [i]"Okay, stop being so rude!"[/i] he commented, before he instantly started racing around the room. It was too quick for him to rip any organs out. However, it was enough for him to phase his hand into several people and cause damage internally to everyone hit by him. Ed, Mage, Bethany, Nightlocke and Mary all would end up with blood coming from their mouths and a pain in their stomach from Quicksilver's meddling. Hopefully it isn't anything to serious, but it was an extreme amount of pain.