[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil][@Lurking Krog] And we are back on track. Update is posted; again with my apologies on its lateness. [b][i]Everyone has one additional day to get their posts in this posting cycle.[/i][/b] Now, with that out of the way, a couple of caveats: First, please forgive the terseness of this update. The issues which made this late are the same ones that are affecting the level of detail. Hopefully this will be better resolved by the next one. Secondly, there is a discrepancy in word selection. In a previous post, I used the word [i]"tankard"[/i] to describe the container of wine which was about to be served. The word I was groping for (and missed) was actually [i]"decanter"[/i], as mentioned in this post. Apologies, these are two very different things in terms of usage and amount held. Anyway, enjoy the post and the extra day to respond. Thanks! EDIT: If I did not address something that I should have in this update, please message me privately and I will let you know and/or make an appropriate ruling. Thanks again.