[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5788ffa7-7eac-46bf-910b-c6909c7070b3.png[/img][/center] [hr] "Magitech drones." The mere thought of them probably scared the other students, but Crystal had been given a heads-up at the ball. Honestly, she'd love to see one up close and it seemed that she might just get that chance. The team arrived at their destination in the pouring rain. Well, they certainly couldn't have asked for better weather for their team makeup, aside from Rivka, unfortunately. Crystal recognized Liam, and wondered if he'd recognize her in her transformed state. Probably, seeing as the three of them likely had the chance to read up on the team members they'd be working with. Good at picking up large usage of magic, huh? That'd be useful for them. Looking away from the three officers and out into the pouring rain, Crystal had to stifle a single giggle at the thought that came unbidden to her mind. It would be so easy to make a large output of magic by simply using Aoife and her own Elementum to freeze the ground. With that thought came the idea of Selma and Chie using their Elementum to turn the street into a skate-park, Rivka sliding along the ice with rockets of fire to send her moving. She envisioned her skating across the street, up ramps and slopes made by her teammates as she jumped through the air, blasting fire at the drones as she flew only to make a ten-point landing on another incline, spinning like a professional as she did. The thought was amusing, but not practical. Or maybe it was; for all she knew the drones could be weak to fire, but in the rain like this it probably wasn't going to matter if they were or not. As she popped a piece of grape gum into her mouth, Crystal came to the decision not to voice the idea. On the one hand, it'd be distracting to the others. On the other, it might be taken seriously, and that would only lead to either horrible failure or horrible success, and she didn't want to stick out as particularly impressive on her first mission. She was an Ars Magi to serve the people, not to rise through the military ranks, and especially not to give an impression to those in power that she would somehow be better in a strategic role than on the field. Not that turning the streets into an ice-rink would give that impression... She turned to her teammates. [color=00aeef]"Do we want to follow the lead of the other teams, or try to advance ahead of them to clear the path?"[/color] She knew that the answer [i]should[/i] be the former, but knowing her teammates... The spotlights began searching, and she wondered to herself who would be in the metaphorical spotlight when the mission was over.