Saw this in another thread and because I'm annoying, what are some character fun facts? I'll go first [hider=Teddy Garbage] Ted's taste in music is...interesting. He mostly enjoys ambient stuff (think Disparition), but Jukebox the Ghost and Radical Face are some personal favorites of his. Anything with hints of surrealism catch his interest. His games often follow the style of David Szymanski and Davey Wreden. They aren't much for graphics, but immersion-wise they can be very heavy. He is a horror enthusiast, and his work has no issue showing that. Obscure, European Folklore and Christian Theology are heavy themes (along with a heavy dose of surrealism), though often used to mock/criticize organized religion and other aspects of society. Ted is an atheist, but he still believes in ghosts/spirits. Like his inspirations, Ted uses the Unity engine and/or Source for his works. He started out by making games as mods for Source games. Ted is first and foremost a writer, as it was what got him interested in creating. Many of his creative writing assignments in high school ranged from brow-raising to phone calls home. He was never obscene or offensive, he just has a very dark taste in media. He keeps a dream journal on his phone. He collects bones sometimes. Doesn't do anything with them, he just things they're kind of neat. He would never hurt an animal, so all bones are scavenged from roadkill or the wild. It's quite interesting to him, as he used to have a deep fear for the macabre as a youngster. Ted has a pet cat- technically a family pet. It's his best friend. Because of his nonchalance and sometimes obvious dislike for people, he is surprisingly caring. Perhaps on the more obvious side, Ted mumbles and speaks to himself all the time. No, he's not usually communicating to his hallucinations. It's more of an odd habit that helps him focus, as his own thoughts tend to get muddled up in his head. He still continued the tradition of wearing clunky headphones or earbuds. He despises bluetooth for no discernable reason other than "slow" and "imagine having to charge your earbuds". He kind of has a point? Ted has gotten lost in the woods many times as a kid. Sometimes he still does. He's...fine. Not dead yet- In his personal opinion, lighthouses are rad as fuck. His nickname "Redac" stems from his online pseudonym, which is also a pun on his actual name. redacTED Do not call him "Teddy". It's just Ted...unless you're his "ex" from college. It's complicated. [/hider]