[hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsKRtFky/image.png[/img] [I][color=696969]New York, Frost International Skills: Shadow Manipulation.[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany looked over towards this reality's version of Klara and Edus and shook her head slightly as she snapped at him a little bit and sighed. [color=696969]"Maybe now isn't the time to argue or say which realties verson can do and what the other can't?"[/color] Bethany said shaking her head a little bit as she looked towards Mary as she managed to ensnare Black Tom, though it looked like she was going to choke him to death. Mary seemed to gain control again as the vines loosened slightly. Her attention quickly turned towards Quicksilver as he came back into the room, she rolled her eyes and sighed. [u][i]"Really you don't learn when you aren't invited to be here in the first place."[/i][/u] Nightlocke said, as she was about to attack him, when Quicksilver decided to do something new, feeling a hand phasing through her stomach, causing her to drop down to her knees as she started to cough out some blood. Bethany groaned loudly as she felt the same thing happening to her as well. She dropped down to one knee and coughed up some blood before getting up again and extended her hand forward as shadowy tendrils started to wrap around Quicksilver though not as tightly as she would have liked.