Now that the little scare was over with, Alrik took that drink. He tried not to show it, but he smiled. At least she had a sense of humor, he had been afraid his bodyguard would be a walking brick. Then again, he hadn't imagined it would have been a woman, either. He raised the glass to his lips, and spoke before he took his sip. "That [i]would[/i] be counter productive to my mission." He glibbed. The whiskey burned on the way down. That was how he could tell it was good, he had been told when he was younger. "On a darker note, poison will be a problem, likely. But in the courts of Yhesra, and you needn't worry about that, you're just here for physical guarding. Though now that I think of it, I should have a taste tester..." The conclusion reached him very visually, his face transitioning from self assured to what could only be described as 'uh oh.' He noticed she was looking at him, and he gave a shrug, brushing it off. He was smart, capable, and handsome, but he was still a somewhat sheltered young man. This woman might not have his education, or even his status as a merchant of the league, but he had no doubt she had seen more of the world than he had. He had only been on the sea once, when he had been shipped from his childhood home to begin his apprenticeship. "How many times have you been at sea?" He was about to ask, and he got most of it out of his mouth when the door, half closed by Inez's half-hearted push was kicked open. It took only a moment for the two of them to spin and see the figure before they struck. It was one of the crew, the one with the snaggletooth and rat-like eyes. In his hands was a crossbow, one made for scouting and reconnaissance instead of warfare, but it could still cut through the hide of a bull elk. At his hip was a heavy-bladed falchion, and in his eyes were murder. But not hatred. Alfrik could tell immediately it was out of self interest, but he hadn't the time or inclination to voice that thought when he lowered his crossbow and fired right at Alfrik's midsection.