[b]THE SETUP[/b] Trainer school is over for the year and you're into a long summer break. You and your friends decide to on a simple goal - catch them all. There's an issue, however. 1 Pokedex, to share. A diverse cast combines forces to catch all the pokemon in the region, combining their tools in order to explore every nook and cranny of the world, to see everything there is to see and catch everything that can be caught. Will they make it in time before training school starts again? Or will their dreams be dashed by the dastardly Team [something or other]? Only time will tell what's in store for these young heroes! [hr] [b]THE BASICS[/b] The idea is that there's only one of any given key item - the pokedex, fishing rods, TM case, etc. It's not as if there isn't any other of those things in the world but when we begin that's all the group will have. So they'll have to deligate usage of certain tools efficiently, and plan around where they want to go. As the group explores the region they can also tackle the various gyms littering the region, and you may have an opportunity to take a crack at being the Pokemon League Champion. Pokemon game mechanics will be used to inform the RP's mechanics but we won't stick too closely to it. Thinking outside the box will be pretty rewarding. [b]THE REGION[/b] The RP takes place in the large and varied Sinnoh region. Packed to the brim with gyms, concert halls and more, with the added complexity of the Sinnoh underground, there's no telling what our rascally group will find in this wide ranging region. [b]LEGENDARIES[/b] I figured someone would ask this pretty soon so I put this near the start. The short answer is, we'll worry about it when we get there. The region we pick will decide what legendaries are up for grabs, but as for when and how we'll end up getting them, there's no real point in worrying about it now since it won't come up for a while anyway. This RP probably won't last that long, so let's just see how we go first. [b]KEY ITEMS AVAILABLE[/b] [list] [*][s]Pokedex[/s] [*]Old rod? [*][sTM case[/s] [*][s]Poffin case[/s] [*][s]Sprayduck[/s] [*]Other stuff potentially [/list] [b]GYMS AND CONTESTS[/b] Trainers are encouraged to tackle the Pokemon Gyms in any order, as the Gym leaders train and keep different sets of pokemon to compensate for the varying levels of challengers they face. If a trainer completes the Gym challenge they will receive the Gym badge for their efforts and a TM from the Gym Leader's personal stock. Contests are run and rewarded as usual, but a cash prize has been added for top performers in the contest, in order to incentivise trainers to participate. [b]DA RULES (pretty much just the games' rules)[/b] [hider=Pokemon League Official Trainer Combat Rules] The Pokemon League has publically released this set of rules in order to combat what the League views as unsportsmanlike conduct. It is the League's intent that these rules are read as a guideline for trainers to help them maintain they and their pokemon's honor and dignity. If these rules are broken in an officially sactioned Pokemon League event then the infringing trainer will be immediately disqualified from the event, and if the infraction is severe enough, accolades and accomplishments previously given by the League may be stripped away. This includes gym badges, contest ribbons, gym leadership, and more. Infractions outside of officially sanctioned events can be reported to the police or Pokemon Rangers for further investigation and punishment. [indent] 1. [u]Trainers are not allowed to capture another trainer's pokemon under any circumstances[/u] The Pokemon League considers Pokemon theft to be the most serious crime imaginable. Trainers are forbidden to even attempt such actions, and infractions of this rule carry the heaviest penalties. Incidents of pokemon theft will be investigated with the utmost care and urgency the pokemon league can muster. Note that disputes over the captureship of a wild Pokemon fall don't necessarily come under the category of Pokemon Theft. If needed you can dispute a case of wild pokemon ownership in the Pokemon League Court. 2. [u]Commanding pokemon to attack trainers is forbidden[/u] Matches between trainers are competitions of their skills to capture and command Pokemon. Bypassing the competition by ordering a pokemon to assault the opposing trainer is an insult to their efforts, and is treated by the Pokemon League with equal severity to rule 1. Collateral damage is also unacceptable but can be disputed in Pokemon League court. 3. [u]One trainer may only use up to 6 pokemon in a single battle against another trainer[/u] The number of Pokemon that the Pokemon League have determined to be the highest optimal value for a trainer's party is 6 pokemon. This rule does not prevent trainers from carrying more than 6 pokemon, but once a trainer has had 6 of their own pokemon knocked out, the trainer is treated as being "defeated". [indent]A. [u]Double Battles[/u] In double battles the 6 pokemon limit is reduced to 3 per trainer if cooperating with another trainer, and 4 per trainer if alone. This applies to both sides of the combat. This sub-rule was codified by the Pokemon League in order to prevent multi-trainer battles from exceeding reasonable match timeframes.[/indent] 4. [u]Only up 2 pokemon are allowed on one side of a pokemon battle at any given time.[/u] The Pokemon League has determined that 2 pokemon is the maximum amount of pokemon an average trainer can wield with optimal efficiency. Therefore, whether against a single opponent or multiple opponents, only 2 pokemon are allowed on one side of a trainer battle at any given time. [indent]A. [u]Deciding a single or double battle[/u] The type of battle a trainer fights must be declared before the match begins, and cannot be changed in the middle of the match. Doing so is considered a breach of consent of the trainers involved, and will invalidate the match.[/indent] 5. [u]Only 1 item can be used on one pokemon at a time.[/u] This rule was put in place by the Pokemon League to prevent abuses of items in trainer battles, as well as to prevent adverse reactions caused by using multiple items on a pokemon at once. While most products have no issues with one another, locally sourced/produced items may cause conflicts. Item abuse is frowned on by the Pokemon League, refer to the list of banned items for a detailed breakdown of item abuse and abusive items. [/indent] Trainers may find themselves in a dispute about the above rules with another trainer. If they are unable to reach a consensus between themselves, they may turn to the Pokemon League court to settle their dispute. [/hider] [b]OOC RULES[/b] The basics. Be respectful, polite, etc. I don't mind an argument, but if it's getting long take it to the PMs or something. You all know what to do. Oh, but the most important rule is no Meta-gaming. Things that are reasonable for your character to know are fine, but RPing things they don't know is part of the fun. If you're cracking open Bulbapedia every 5 minutes then there's not much of a point in the fact that we only have one Pokedex. [b]SHEET[/b] Some caveats before we start. The age of your character should be about 10-12, maybe a bit lower if you want but if you want to play higher you better run it by me. Teenagers are unfortunately not dumb enough to think that catching them all is achievable, so I'm hesitant to have them. As for starter pokemon, there's not many limits. Doesn't matter if it's a starter or if it's from another region, if you can reasonably say you have it then you can have it. That definitely excludes legendaries, so don't even try. For the appearance, an image or a description is ok. We'll pretty much be taking moves straight from Bulbapedia so keep that in mind. Anyway, here's the quick and dirty copy paste sheet: [hider=copy paste] [noparse] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Key Item:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=First pokemon] [u]Nickname:[/u] [u]Species:[/u] [u]Appearance:[/u] [u]Location caught:[/u] [hider=Moves] [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [u]Notes:[/u] [/hider] [b]Misc:[/b] [/noparse] [/hider] Feel free to change it and shift stuff around, I'm not really great at formatting. If you have any questions, just ask.