[hr][hr][center][h3][color=d19f6a][b]Ed Penior[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfmjDDM.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=d19f6a]Location:[/color][/b] Inside Frost International [b][color=d19f6a]Skills: Magic: Thamaturgy (Shield); [u][i]Sympathetic (Healing)[/i][/u] [/color][/b] [hr][/center] Ed sighed at Klara's outburst. He couldn't blame her. But this was going to be harder than anticipated getting her to realize who she was. It would be a delicate situation. For now, his bubble seemed to be holding. He was actually surprised that Klara's sword went through it without any issue. Nightlock was attacked by Quicksilver and Bethany went down too. Ed frowned. Thinking about the implications there. They couldn't hurt Quicksilver. That could hurt their Pietro. Shit. Ed moved his hand to tighten his hold on Juggernaut. It didn't seem to change anything. He let out a slow breath concentrating and flicked his hand. The bubble was reinforced. It was what he could do for now. Mage seeing Nightlock injured moved so he could heal her. His own orange light so similar to his foreign counterpart. Touched Nightlock and some healing energy surged into her. Nothing seemed to change with Bethany. Mage did not move to heal her though.