[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 7:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Angel's Aerie[/i][/b][/color] [hider=For your reference][list][*]Cass - Cass will not like the idea of going to Genosha. She will begin to privately contemplate how best to destroy the nation. [*]Maria - A twisted emotion will dawn upon Maria. She will recall that her dear little sister, Kristina, is on Genosha. Alive and well. Happy, even. Safe. She never died. [*]Niah - Niah will suddenly feel an extreme urge to be near Oliver, but unlike their natural connection, this one... this one tastes much more co-dependent - like Harley Quinn's desire for the Joker. Weird, right? [*]Sparky - N/A [*]Bonnie - An immense sense of danger and urgency will overtake her, almost beyond the point of rationality. She will not go to Genosha. She will not go seek refuge with those who killed her parents. The only reason she would go to Genosha would be for revenge, to assassinate its leaders. [*]Matt - Matt will suddenly feel an overwhelming obsession to solve a series of murders occurring all over Europe. He suspects Oliver as the killer, but has never been able to obtain any evidence. [*]Oliver - Oliver will have a wonderful idea pop into his mind, one that he won't be able to quite shake no matter how much he tries. What if he killed Raynor? [i](Yes, I did roll for who he would target lol)[/i]. [*]Amelia - Amelia will feel her connection to the rest of the group severed, as if she never knew them, as if they weren't her friends. She will recall another group of friends, a group of vigilantes who defend the Blue. [*]Raynor - N/A [*]Flynn - Flynn will have a horrible realization dawn upon him. He got a [i]flatscan[/i] pregnant. Whenever he looks at Bonnie, or honestly any of the other humans in the group, he will feel a deep sense of revulsion and rage. [/list][/hider] Destiny shifted her gaze (if a blind woman wearing a creepy golden mask could really have a [i]gaze[/i]) towards Oliver. She didn't say a single word, holding her head there for what felt like minutes but could have only been seconds, before shifting her "gaze" to look at Raynor. And then finally, back to Oliver once again. [color=f6989d]"I'm not really sure - I don't think it's anything to worry about,"[/color] Bonnie lied to Cass. She hadn't found a good time to really process the subtle changes that had been happening to her ever since they faced the Black Order. There was no denying that by the laws of physics, she should have died in that encounter - and yet, here she was, alive and pregnant in an alternate reality. She found it difficult to really worry and fret over all of that stuff though when she could feel something messing with her mind, her memories not making sense, fracturing and fragmenting almost as if two lives were fighting inside of her for dominance. Her heart was pounding, the emotional feeling of fear and anxiety waging war against her rational thoughts. She didn't have a logical motivation to kill the Genoshan leaders. But her mind couldn't help but mentally consider the best way to do it - poison, perhaps, while cliché was effective against most mutants not of the Wolverine variety. Metal knives were definitely out. Attacking both at once would be a suicide run - she'd have to isolate them, do it one at a time and... Bonnie shook her head, drawing on some power she couldn't name, and things gradually began to clear. The feeling faded. [color=FFB795]"What do you mean I'm the Amelia from here? I'm the only damn Amelia there is - except for my friend, Amy, but she clearly isn't here right now!"[/color] Amelia exclaimed. Wind began to blow around them - everyone with long hair would suddenly have their hair swirling around them. Destiny's robes began to blow slightly and Rogue's hair was a complete mess in the breeze. [color=FFB795]"Now, you all are going to explain what's going on here, mates, or we're going to have a problem. I don't want to give you a Sydney Send-off but I will do it!"[/color] "Thank you, dear," Destiny said as Mystique handed her a glass of wine, not at all concerned with the angry and confused airbender in the room. Folly rolled her eyes, leaning back slightly on one foot as she got into a defensive posture. "You think she's being, like, overwritten? Like conflicting versions of a file?" Darcy asked, looking at Niah. Her eyes then widened. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit, if she's being overwritten, then..." Darcy gulped, looking at Flynn and Maria - people she knew in this world would kill humans. "Please try your best to, like, not give into any urges to kill me!" [color=d86615]"Okay, I'm sorry, but that's complete bullshit. If your mind could be overwritten by traveling to another reality, then I would be acting like a prissy little goth girl all the time, crying about how my boyfriend turns green and no one likes my photos on Instagram or whatever,"[/color] Raynor pointed out. [color=d86615]"And Sparky would think she was Lance Banner. But clearly neither of those things are happening, sooo it can't be that. Maybe the Iron left some sort of telepathic Trojan horse in Amelia's head."[/color] "Chère... Gambit don't understand nutin' that's happening right now," Gambit admitted, looking at Rogue who had stopped hitting him with a pillow for a moment. "That is hardly unusual," Destiny said dryly. She really hated her son-in-law. "Mama!" Rogue exclaimed. "Ah don't know what's goin' on either, and I ain't an idiot, so neither is Remy!" "You aren't exactly the brightest mutant out there, dear," Mystique said. [color=FFB795]"Seriously? None of you are going to tell me what the bloody hell is happening?!"[/color] Amelia exclaimed - the wind was becoming more furious now. Darcy had to squint from the slight pain in her eyes it was causing and Folly had to grip onto a table, as it was becoming enough to begin to slide people backwards. [color=f6989d]"... I think Niah is right. I think... I think it might be happening to me, too,"[/color] Bonnie admitted. [color=f6989d]"I remember the X-Men killing my parents... I remember some vague details of living in the Iron... Things that should be impossible. I'm French Canadian, not... Iron-ian or whatever the term is."[/color] "The [i]file corruption[/i] will become permanent if you stay in our world too long," Destiny then said. "I see that one of you will be overwritten and lost forever. More, if you aren't careful and quick. You will need the aid of a powerful sorcerer - a scarred man with a metal mask - in order to return home." [color=d86615]"...Doom? We need to go to Doom for help? Gee, isn't that convenient,"[/color] Raynor muttered. [color=d86615]"Love how you just happen to know everything, Irene." Irene took a sip of wine under her mask. "It is my curse."