Jin was surprised that the room looked somewhat lived in already. Maybe this wasn’t a new student, but someone who had been here before. She picked up a game at random and peered at it. There was a yellow haired guy with an impossibly large, unwieldy looking sword on the front cover. “Last Fable 7?” She didn’t have a video game system of her own. Training took up a lot of time, for one, and she preferred to focus her mind on other hobbies in her downtime, like building things. Besides, some video games had a lot of reading, leaving her somewhat bored when there wasn’t action on the screen. A swear came from behind her, and Jinny tensed, turning to find the source. Her stomach dropped. “...oh, for fuck’s sake. [i]You[/i]?” Jinny set the game down and folded her arms, immediately on the defensive. Her eyes narrowed, a little scowl twisting her face. “I thought I was having a good day.” She huffed a little sigh, looking back at the door that Slade had left from. Was it too late to switch rooms? No, no. If she couldn’t handle this on her own, how was she going to manage the rest of the school yea? She would consider this her first challenge. Her first battle against a real opponent. “Listen. Just – don’t touch any of my shit, you jinx.” She let that sink in for a split second before continuing. “Yeah, I’ve heard of you, and what you do. I should probably be impressed, but you’re way too annoying for that. So leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone. If you don’t, you’re gonna find out what someone with [b]real[/b] power can do.” Nevermind that this Jinx girl had actually killed people. Even if it was an accident, that was still impressive. No, Jin had to make her stand here and now. Otherwise she’d just be a coward, and she wasn’t having that. “Got it?”