[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/z1BI9da9Vcj4stEUvq9llwWZVzpz_CzzA7KIVmcTp2E/https/i.imgur.com/CVO0GIm.png[/img] Level 1: 3/10 Location: Limsa Lominscuttle- Kanzuki Beach Word Count: 643 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 4/10 [/center] This was all going rather well. She enjoyed watching the Seekers come and go and talk and banter amongst themselves. And what a colorful crew they were. It seemed like they were soldiers all. Or children. Or child-like. Which was somewhat concerning but she had learned not to underestimate children. After all, her rival was an annoying brat herself. (Only eight months younger but still.) But the father son dragon turtle duo was of particular note. She watched them bond in the distant waters. Playing with a pet. Challenging some random guy’s pet to a fight like it was nothing, just being very protective in general. The kid, Junior, wanted to be better at fighting, and the father, Bowser, said he was proud of his progress. Karin stood in her usual powerful yet feminine pose, but as she pondered the leaving father son duo she seemed to be in something of a day dream. She blinked, shaking her head free of these thoughts. It didn’t matter. Envy was a bad look on people, which was just fine, because Karin wasn’t envious. Why would she be? Because she’d never had an authority figure offer her an ounce of affirmation? Why would that matter? She had an entire army of staff that constantly acknowledged her greatness every moment of every day. And Ishikazi-san was all the guidance she had needed as a child. If anything, he was [i]better[/i] than a regular father, because he had to do what Karin said or she could have had him fired! So who’s laughing now. Karin was. That’s who. [color=fff79a]”Hah!” [/color] Karin barked out a laugh, to no one in particular. Besides, it was merely a matter of time until the Junior overcame his father in strength and destroyed him, usurping his kingdom and throne. That was how it had to be and that was how it always went. So the whole matter was moot. Link disrupted her reverie, and Karin waved at him. [color=fff79a]”Oho, it’s no matter, no matter at all.” [/color] She smiled. [color=fff79a]”Feast and be merry! You’ve all earned it.”[/color] That was the third time she had said something like that. It struck her that she hadn’t really been doing much socializing. Normally, she did it through fighting. It was how she had met all of her friends and allies. But manners dictated it was rude to challenge weary warriors to a battle. So. Karin had ended up just kind of standing about while everyone else chatted. Not that Karin was some kind of anti-social weirdo who could only make friends with punching! If that were the case surely all of her non-street fighting friends would have been pummeled to dust by now. It was just- something felt a bit off. Karin couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Were the Seekers reluctant to speak with her? Was she radiating some kind of intimidating aura? Or perhaps they were too tight knit and were reluctant to get too close to an outsider? Karin once again was shaken from her reverie as the necromancer robot one, Blazermate, picked up Nadia and began flying her about. Yes! That was what she needed. Some bonding. Something fun, but relaxing, or exciting! She should have participated in that volley ball game but- well it wouldn’t be fair to destroy her guests. [color=fff79a]“I shall go about creating a sand castle myself!”[/color] She announced. She glanced around the the guest remaining at her beach. [color=fff79a]“Who wishes to join me and socialize?”[/color] With a snap of her fingers an immaculate set of sand manipulating tools was at her disposal. [color=fff79a]“I am delightful company.”[/color] Karin declared. She made her way down to the shore and began constructing one herself and- quickly a very impressive and detailed form began to take shape. Not so much of a sand castle as it was a sand cathedral.