[hider=Niko][b]Name:[/b] Niko Watanabe [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3ExoBxP.png[/img] [b]Key Item:[/b] Poffin Case [b]Personality:[/b] Niko acts like a happy go lucky kid. He smiles and laughs and acts like nothing bothers him. He tries not to show his negative emotions around others. If they see him cry or be sad, it will only push people away even more. He is very affectionate, and is quick to get attached to others, and freely gives hugs to people he feels needs them. He cares very much for people, and do whatever he can to make others happy. He likes the color pink, cute things, and generally stuff that is considered girly by most people. He gets excited easily and he starts yelling and screaming and bouncing all over the place when he gets in one of his moods. [b]History:[/b] His mother and father are divorced, and he lives with his mother and little sister in Hearthome City. He always had a fascination for cute things. He played with stuffed animals while other boys played sports. He even dyed his hair pink because he thought it was a more fun color than his natural brown. For this, he was often bullied. Niko always wore a smile on his face, and acted like the bullying never bothered him. He wanted to set an example for his little sister to look up to. He was the one who had to look after her when his mother was working. He also helped make dinners for the family, which gave him an interest in cooking. Additionally, Niko is estranged from his father. He wanted a son who would become the Pokémon League Champion one day. Obviously, Niko was not that. He was interested in Contests, and preferred to be a coordinator. While his mother was supportive, he was often yelled at and called a sissy by his father on the rare occasions they do see each other. Even still Niko doesn’t hate his dad, and hopes to reconcile with him.[/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=Fay] [u]Nickname:Fay[/u] [u]Species:[/u] Cleffa [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/vector/large/cleffa.png[/img] [u]Location caught:[/u] Mt. Coronet [hider=Moves] [list] [*] Sing [*] Disarming Voice [*] Sweet Kiss [*] Magical Leaf [/list] [/hider] [u]Notes:[/u] [/hider] [b]Misc:[/b] [/hider]