[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/HDCcvNx/Gideon-Header.png[/img][h2]Dawn [sub]Chasing Wolves[/sub][/h2][/center][hr] Logically speaking, the wolves killing the Kyrnith's deer would more than likely just be interpreted as an unfortunate circumstance rather than an insult, a case of nature taking its course. Still, there was also the chance that the wolves killing these deer may draw the ire of the Elder Beast of Howling Winds. Moreso, given the fickleness of these deific beings, the Kyrnith may even interpret the villagers allowing these deer to be slaughtered by the wolves as a grave insult. While this was normally something he would be fine with disputing, Gideon knew that Dawn could not handle another Elder Beast attack. Because of this, Gideon had moved quickly, easily understanding the gravity of their situation. First off, he would swipe the edge of his spear's head to the one demotivated wolf's calf, ensuring it wouldn't encircle him from behind. The Raam would then run at an angle in a way where his spear wouldn't accidentally pierce one of the deer. With a calculated throw, he would release his spear, aiming to hit the farther wolf at its center of mass to ensure maximum accuracy. Finally, he would run up an inclined log, leaping towards the third wolf and using his sheer weight to steer his momentum closer to his target. Gideon had stretched his arms outward as he threw himself, his hands ready to grasp at his final target. If he wasn't able to completely land on the third wolf, Gideon would at least ensure he was able to grab it by its hind legs to stop it in its tracks.