[@Steel Legion] Alright, A few things. Your character will not have earned themselves any sort of title this early in their career. As for the picture you used, Salamanders are known for their coal black skin and red eyes. A genetic quirk unique to them specifically. You are not going to start the game with master-crafted anything even if they are consumable grenades. Stick to frag and krak for now. Specialty equipment may be made available based on your assignments. Nor would your character have a personal menagerie of pets. barring the Space wolves no chapter, least of all the Salamanders have a history of going to war alongside animals. They hunt them for sport and for trophies certainly, and if you want to give yourself some kind of hunting trophy earned from a trial where you fought a drake than sure, within reason i'll happily allow that. And i'm sorry but there's no way i'm giving anyone a Grynix. They are not native to nocturne and your not an inquisitor or a librarian so there would be no reason your character would have ever seen or heard of these much less tamed one somehow. And marines don't use personal stub weapons of any kind. Feel free to take a bolt pistol as a backup weapon. As as far as his profile. Marines don't choose a specialty. They train to be devasators-> close assault-> tactical in turn. They have to learn to fill whatever roll may be required of them, and are assigned to a role in a battle company based on what they're good at and where the openings are.