[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9lcXkXj.png[/img][/center][@Heckno12][@Strawberry] Blackness engulfed everything, before red flickers illuminated doors and cases snapping open. At once, Ziola grabbed her belongings and hurried from the cell, into the hallway. With the modicum of freedom came a rush of relief, although the imminent threat closing in... That was a bit of a damper, to say the least. Just because they were all out of their cells, that didn't make this place any less of a prison. A prison that housed high priority criminals no less, all now allowed to run rampant. The stench of rot and rust drifting down the hallway, making her clamp her hand over her nose, served as a reminder that some people here must be pretty unhinged. There was nobody to trust. Hell, she couldn't even trust herself any more. As more coughs echoed, Ziola's stomach clenched. She froze for a moment, wishing there was some way to assist those further down the block, but rationally she knew there wasn't, even if abandoning those whose lives were in danger went against everything she believed in. [color=6A9FD4]"Wow, flu season's really come in with a vengeance,"[/color] she muttered, approaching the technician. His mention of Lea soothed her fraught nerves somewhat. [color=6A9FD4]"And sounds like a plan. You know, I used to be a doctor. If she'll let me, I can try to help with this."[/color] Letting a prisoner help wouldn't exactly be orthodox, but neither was what the engineer had just done. Desperate times, desperate measures and all. Plus, for a prison worker, Lea was notably easygoing and open. Maybe it wasn't quite true that nobody could be trusted - out of all the staff here, the ship's doctor was the only one she had a shred of faith in. Just as she made to follow the engineer, a whale-like cry from somewhere in the distance sent a shiver through her. A sound of pure distress. [color=6A9FD4]"What the...?"[/color] Her muscles tensed as she weighed the options - search for this person, but abandon everyone else, and stand little chance of finding them in time anyway? Or stick with the others and leave yet someone else behind? Next to her, a Sapishte woman stood rooted to the spot, staring in the direction of the sound as if struggling with the same dilemma. [color=ffb5b0]"We really need to go,"[/color] the Sapishte finally said. Gritting her teeth and clutching her medical kit, Ziola nodded. [color=6A9FD4]"We do. Everyone, come on."[/color] They had to stay together, maintain some level of order amidst the chaos, and get to the bay as quickly as possible. Forcing herself not to look back, she stuck by the engineer's side.