[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color] & [color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] New York City Defenders HQ [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=cc33ff]Telepathy[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Guin had been more or less following the conversation - she was vaguely aware of the Hellfire Club, mostly in its capacity as a posh club for rich assholes to hang out at. She had gone to one of their events when she turned 18, finally old enough to attend, and it hadn't been her scene at all - of course, she hadn't been invited into the secretive Inner Circle, where the [i]actual[/i] power of the club rested. Most rich people in the superhero community held familial memberships like the Stark family did - the Braddock family, for instance, had a membership, as did the Worthingtons. [color=#a81a75]"What should we be prepared for with this organization?"[/color] Runa asked. She had never fought the Hellfire Club - she hadn't even really heard of them before today. It seemed like a pesky Midgardian affair, one that didn't interest her too much. She found such things to be beneath her. The Midgardian clubs she was most interested in were those built up around different fashion designers - there was something about Midgardian clothing she found appealing, particularly those articles described as [i]goth[/i]. [color=cc33ff]"Well, they're..."[/color] And it was like the wind had been knocked out of Guin. The next thing she knew, she was struggling to breathe. Everything around her felt slightly too bright, slightly too loud - everyone was too close. Guin couldn't find a place to settle her eyes, her eyes darting around the room, as she felt like a caged animal. Her heart was pounding and she began to feel dizzy, not understanding really what was happening to her. [color=cc33ff]"They're..."[/color] she tried again. But she couldn't get the words to form - [b][i]she was terrified[/i][/b]. Hearing Annie slur her words worried her though and Guin focused on that worry, forcing her eyes shut even as her hands were shaking, and trying to dive into Annie's mind. She couldn't focus enough to do it at first, but on the third attempt, she managed to get inside. For whatever reason, Annie wanted to attack them all and leave. And Guin herself was able to name the source of her own panic after a moment - the Defenders, and this second Lance. She could feel through the mental link that there was something wrong with Pietro as well - it all felt so dizzying, so overwhelming. [color=#a81a75]"Guinevere, are you alright? Annie?"[/color] Runa asked, frowning slightly. Her eyes glanced over to Strange. What was affecting her friends? Were they just feeling overwhelmed with the inter-dimensional travel and the strangeness of this new world? [color=#a81a75]"Pietro, Lance, how are you both feeling?"[/color] Runa asked. She wondered if perhaps the Midgardian constitution was just weak to such things - Klara and herself were perfectly fine, after all. [color=cc33ff][i]Help,[/i][/color] Guin squeaked into Pietro's head. She was having a minor panic attack. And it was hard to think or focus through it. [color=cc33ff]"I'm - I'm fine,"[/color] Guin lied to Runa. [color=#a81a75]"You know that I know you're lying,"[/color] Runa said, frowning.