[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:20 AM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...[/b] "Uh, are those two just... standing there?" Marrow asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the nearly motionless forms of Legion and Echo. Sunshine shrugged, but continued to watch out of curiosity. Meanwhile, in the astral plane, Legion and Harry existed as beings of pure consciousness. Legion grinned, looking at the cascading colors that Harry was putting off, noting the change every few seconds or so - in time with Harry's beating heart. "It's the astral plane. I used to hide here as a kid, when things got too much... Became my special place. Far as I can tell, only telepaths can get in... So it's just the two of us," Legion explained. "I can make it look however you want, but... I really just wanted to do this," Legion said, glad that Harry had consented to his question, before pulling Harry in for a deep and passionate kiss, Legion's hands placed right above Echo's hips, anchoring himself to the gorgeous Canadian mutant. [b]Hellfire Manor...[/b] Stacy X raised an eyebrow at James. "Aren't you an omega level healer or something? Can't you just boop him and figure out his medical history? But anyways, if there's any, you'll need to go talk to Doc Nemesis - he would know if anything existed on all the babies on the island," Stacy X said. "But chill, I'll mark down that you took that baby, aaand... good luck and don't fuck it up." [color=DBA1DE]"I got that reference!"[/color] Casper blurted, before his mind went back to what James had suggested - the name [i]Daniel[/i]. He liked it. It reminded him some of Danny Phantom, a show that he had actually loved growing up despite his fear of ghosts. Danny Boy was also just a cute nickname to say. Dan the Man would be fun. And he didn't think of anything immediately easy to, like, make fun of the name or anything so... [color=DBA1DE]"Daniel is fucking perfect, babes - oops, my bad... But, um, if we want a middle name, what about... Elliot?"[/color] Casper suggested. His mom's name was Éliette. [color=DBA1DE]"Or if you don't like that, then that's totally fine, we don't have to."[/color] Casper was a mama's boy at heart. He smiled again, looking down at the little baby. Baby Daniel was so cute and innocent, the more he looked at him the more paternal feelings arose in Casper. He made a mental note to watch some TikTok videos about parenting whenever he had a chance - he didn't have the attention span for things much longer than a 30 s clip, but he was sure that he would at least pick up some things. And maybe google strategies on how to not swear. That was going to be hard. "Okay!!" Mongoose squealed to Miranda, before taking Miranda's hand. Miranda would then notice that the texture of Mongoose's skin was different - it was like there were a million tiny little hairs on her hand, giving a sort of weird texture to her, almost similar to the feeling of a lizard's hand. "Byeee Stacy!" "See ya, kiddo." [b]Outside the Green Lagoon...[/b] [color=8E6BB3][i]"Good boy. Your mother is going to be so proud of you, Jackie. My spies tell me that Selene is at home right now. Probably watching reality TV or deciding which black dress to wear to the Hellfire Gala. Now, off you pop! Time is ticking. Tick tick tick!"[/i][/color] [b]The Rebuilt House of M...[/b] Fortunately for Magneto, he wore an armored costume at all times - largely to keep people from being able to kill him easily, and as the metal it was threaded with helped him to fly via magnetism. As of such, Zari's blow to his stomach more stun than anything else - the slash didn't penetrate down to the skin, but the force behind the blow did translate, likely forming bruises underneath his costume. [color=FF5733]"Champion, watch Valkyrie and adapt,"[/color] Magneto chided. [color=FF5733]"Your opponent will often not be fair nor kind to you."[/color] He then wanted to test their defensive skills, so Magneto raised his hand - remember, the rebuilt House of M is made almost entirely out of metal, including the furnishings - and created a sort of tornado around himself of chairs, tables, plates, forks, etc etc flying around. This gave him a defensive layer, as to get to him to strike, the girls would have to dodge flying furniture, but also gave Magneto an excellent arsenal to attack. And so he did, starting off easy - chairs went flying directly at both Andy and Zarina. [b]Max's Room...[/b] Veil nodded. The hardest part would be getting to New Orleans safely - she didn't say it, but Max's portals tended to be hit or miss. Sometimes, he was fantastically accurate - other times, there was really no telling where they would end up. The spirit box was off and silent now - unless Casper arrived, they wouldn't be getting any further input from Ben. [color=935DB8]"You go meet with Pixie, we'll track down Casper and see if he knows where exactly Ben was buried,"[/color] Veil agreed. It was too bad Max couldn't trust Selene - this entire bit of dabbling with necromancy seemed like her area of expertise to Veil. Max opened a return portal to the Green Lagoon - glancing on through, Veil could see that the lunchtime rush was beginning to arrive. The Blob served up surprisingly good food at the bar - he had really found his calling as a bartender/chef. [color=935DB8]"Come find us when you can, we'll need a lift to New Orleans,"[/color] Veil said, and was surprised to feel a bit of fear in the pit of her stomach. It had been so long since any of them had been out in the human world - she had gotten so used to living openly without fear, without having to hide that she was a mutant. It would be strange to going back to having to hide. [hider=OOC Note - the Ritual]You can use a magic ritual of three to attempt mutant resurrection, provided you can recover their body. You will only be able to bring back [i]one[/i] mutant at this time. At the conclusion of the RP, you may attempt to resurrect other mutants. [i](I will say that not everyone will be resurrect-able, so you'll have about 2-3 resurrections allotted to you.)[/i] Select who you would like to attempt resurrection on and let me know on the Discord - I think the easiest thing to do would be to collab the resurrection ritual and post it as the 'end' of this chapter. [/hider]