[center][h1][color=tomato]Nylah[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] ...It was embarrassing how the newcomer was doing better than her, but the idea of angering another Elder Beast had made her freeze up a little. Just the thought of those howling winds and such outside before they'd been able to get out and see the aftermath, and the thoughts of what had been seen afterward had stuck her in place without much thinking. Even so, the Mothraki silently bit her lip and came over to assist when beckoned by Lissa. That was right, they weren't doing anything to the Kyr Deer, just getting the reeds hopefully before they could eat them all. It made the work that much more of a relief as she gathered as much as she could stuff into her bag before she noticed the footprint underneath her feet. It made her take pause whilst standing in the middle of the thing. She was no expert in these woods, but it was not a good sign for what could be lurking around at least. Predators lurking around where prey, such as these deer, lurked. Yet as thoughts of talking to Akando about it rose up, the Kyr Deer seemed to go alert before bolting away from the area. Then came the panicked deer sound from farther in. [quote=Lissa][b]“Hmm… predator? What’re the types you folks have around these parts?” “Say, Nylah… Does this elder beast –the Kyrinth, was it?—take offense or react when the other wildlife harms those deer? That is, should we intervene?”[/b][/quote] [color=tomato]"Akando and the other Hunters would be the ones to ask about predators in these parts. However, with all the damage the other Elder Beast brought through, I would not be surprised if any we had here naturally would be desperate for food....or maybe something of the other Elder Beast's children lingered behind as well."[/color] She said the last part with a notable amount more wariness and slight dread, a chill running up her back and causing her to shudder a little in response. Even so, it was a very brief reaction as she kept as cool and calm a face as possible as she moved to control her own breathing to help her focus better. Just as her mother had taught her. Nerves existed, she just had to keep control over them as best as possible. Yes. [color=tomato]"I would not know if the Kyrinth is against other creatures targeting the deer, but I do not think it would be loathe with us if we assisted one. A predator would also be a source of more food for the village, perhaps provide a pelt or such for the injured under Miss Calra to be warmed with as well. In truth, I would like to return to Miss Calra with the herbs for safety's sake. If we were injured, it would only worsen the situation. At the same time, however, if this predator is a desperate one then it might put more people in danger if there's too little food around here."[/color] [@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist] [hider=Personal Info Hider For Nylah] -[b]Herbs/Herbalism Knowledge[/b]: Kyr Reed acted as a sort of coagulant as well as sedative. Made people calmer…not particularly useful for treating frostbite on its own, but it was useful for staunching bleeding or injuries. Could be crushed into a paste with a variety of other things to achieve various effects. Wind-Leaf acted as more of a stimulant. When properly mixed with Kyr Reed it made salves and healing poultices good for bolstering the immune system and promoting natural healing. Coral Moss and Slug mucus were a bit harder to find, since the slugs only could be found in shallow water during the day, with Coral Moss being found in damp sea caves off the coast near the Goddess Spear. Slug Mucus was good for making topical salves for alleviating pain, while Coral Moss, when exposed to certain other substances actually heated itself to temperatures good for gentle rewarming of frost-bitten areas. [/hider]