It was quite the interesting little group they had gathered. Yvene did not have much time to evaluate her now sudden companions before they needed to move. Leaving was of course the most pressing issue, but she wasn’t exactly sure about the others. Two other Tulaks and a human seemingly. Oh well. There was no time to think more on the matter, they needed to move. As the male Tulak rather eloquently pointed out before knocking another inmate flat on their ass, everyone here was a prime target. Rage is an emotion that spares none and mixed with confusion is even more dangerous. Grateful she was even moving and not being left to just die alone and pathetically in her cell, she swiftly followed the mechanic into the side door he had pointed out. As she stepped in she glimpsed over at the Sentries who were advancing quickly. Every gun shot made her jump just a tad, knowing well and true that could have been her on the other end. Letting out small muttering of swears and prayers only those really close to her could have heard, she dipped further into the maintenance tunnels. [color=007236]“Thankfully, even among the engineers I’m one of the only people that knows how to navigate this maze without a map. Even if we’re followed they shouldn’t be able to catch up too easily.” [/color]The mechanic remarked. Yvene let out a sigh of relief. She was silently worried they were just going in circles. [color=ffb5b0]“Well I am glad you know where we are because I haven’t the faintest of clues. My sense of direction is horrid.” [/color] She said, careful to make sure she stayed close enough with the group. Occasionally she would brush against an exposed pipe that was hot, causing her to bite her lip so she wouldn’t complain about the pain. Eventually they had made it an old hatch that the mechanic busted down so they could get through. Stepping out of the tunnels she sighed, taking a look around. Though there wasn’t much to see until suddenly someone flicked on the lights. Before her lay a dilapidated looking tram. Clearly it had not been used in a very, very long time. While the mechanic moved to go fix the tram, Yvene wandered slowly around the platform trying to collect her thoughts. A tiny rat scampered up to her and immediately darted away upon realizing she did not have, nor was food. Chuckling a bit she watched them run around. Rats never scared her, she shared homes with them for most of her childhood. Sides, it was nice to see life other than them. Finally someone spoke up, drawing her attention back to the others. As Felix introduced herself, she gave a tiny smile.[color=ffb5b0] “I'm Yvene. I’ve been imprisoned here for reasons too.”[/color] She shrugged, not really wanting to get super friendly with these people. Not yet anyways, who knows what was going to go down. [color=ffb5b0]“It’s nice to meet you..and you.”[/color] She said, turning to each of the two Tulaks, extending her hands to both as a sign of grace and politeness. She’d try to be at least a little civil. She then jumped a little as she heard the tram whirr back to life and the old mechanical voice spokeout. "De-de-de-stination set: Medical....Ple-e-ease keep all ha-nds o....the tram will be departing the sta... mome-me-me-ntarily." [color=ffb5b0]“Oh gods that is horribly creepy.” [/color]She said mindlessly, not fully realizing she stated that aloud until a moment later. Oh well. It was true, she was worried that it would even take them five meters before exploding or something ridiculous like that. She hesitated before looking back at the others, clearly not wanting to get on first.