12: Name: Kyle Joseph Blackwell Age: 18 Likes: Fighting, spending time alone or with friends and family, women and children and animals. Dislikes: Thugs, assumptions, villains and alcohol. Personality: A straight A school student who beams with confidence. His outgoing and kind nature allows him to help people as well as being polite to everyone he meets. However, he has a darker side. He is also a killer. Not just any killer; he kills villains or people who love the thrill of crime. He believes by eliminating bad people from the earth, it will make it a better place for everyone. Right goals, but methods are wrong. He never hesitates to kill, but to some bad people, he may show mercy and allow them to live, if they turn themselves in. Powers: No powers. Weapons: Annihilator MK 7 Battlesuit, double claws: 2 on each arm. Abilities: Eyelaser + shadow variant, Blade Dash + shadow variant, Plasma cutter + shadow variant, Energy Bolt, Plasma Teleport, Axis Slash, Gravity Strike, Charge reactor, Shadow Laser Barrage, Shadow Energy Bolt, Shadow Plasmaport, Devastation Beam. Other: He lives alone and has a secret laboratory which he makes different versions of his battle suits and has them standing in glass cases; underneath his house. Bio: A young adult who had his parents taken away from him by villains who pretended to be heroes. He holds vengeance for anyone that kills for fun thinking they're making a positive change to society, but not really. When he sees this he kills without mercy and never leaving traces. Sometimes he does to strike fear in the people he hates the most. Appearance: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/umhARsa603EW-L537v-I4Y-NbEwPiFM_Un8HNxV4Y2Q/rs:fit:700:932:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vNzM2/eC8wNy80NC81YS8w/NzQ0NWEyOGE0N2Qz/YzE3MDk4MDAyY2Rk/ZTYyMDhiNC0tcmVk/LWhlYWRzLW1hbmdh/LWJveS5qcGc[/img] Battle suit: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/9csWHs-G5CRBq2TdB3XACEpURbA4OSGXX3cyLgPXTOc/rs:fit:562:696:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL2ltZzEu/d2lraWEubm9jb29r/aWUubmV0L19fY2Iy/MDE0MDUxNzE1NDcy/MS92aWxsYWlucy9p/bWFnZXMvNC80Ny9G/dWxnb3JlXyhLaWxs/ZXJfSW5zdGluY3Rf/WGJveF9PbmUpLmpw/Zw[/img]