[center][h1]Nirrti[/h1][/center] [center]Relevant People:[@jdh97][@FalloutJack][/center] [hr] [center]Non-GM Post[/center] The machine observes Nero's offering, drinking in every visual detail and listening to him. The offering is... Interesting, but has it's problems. "My RoE set prohibits me from using such a weapon." She responds. "While an anti-vehicle weapon is acceptable, or an oversized shotgun, I cannot use your weapon." The rifle's weapon case shifts in her hands, almost unsteadily. Something didn't add up but... No matter, problem for another day. "Additionally, your weapon is suitable for closer ranges. This gun is suitable for close and more distant engagements. I cannot utilize thrower-style weapons more effectively than most rifles." With that, her explanation ceases, and she once more just observes Nero, almost methodically. Nirrti receives Laurey's response, leaving her with a little read indicator. No response is needed here, they're on the same page now, though she does run through plans for self-maintenance if something does happen to Laurey, the thinking by the machine getting to the point active cooling kicks on to cool herself down. Her thoughts bring up multiple potential solutions depending on her damage state. Took some armor damage or lost an arm? She figures it'd be easy enough to get to a contractor to have them fix her up. Loss of legs or frame distortion? That might be something she can't deal with easily, she thinks. Some concern is brought up over critical structural damage, as she doesn't know if Joey could perform combat repairs. She also doubts Anne's ability too, large digits may not work well with tight parts in small areas, but does recognize Anne would be suitable for heavy lifting as a human surely could not lift her chassis, probably. As for Shineyd... She'd need to prove her worth before being allowed to poke around inside Nirrti. While considering what to do if she were fatally, for a machine, damaged in a fight, she comes up with a somewhat unsatisfactory, but necessary solution that's come up time and time before. Just don't get shot at. Easier said than done, for a massive death robot. She also returns to the earlier concern about losing a leg, considering potential upgrades giving her four legs instead of two for redundancy. Such a thought is quickly tossed out for being too complex to maintain, and far too expensive to make the metal and source the mechanical workings. She also considers that having four legs wouldn't be that effective either, as the configuration would still result in her being crippled if she lost a leg.