[hider=Silas Moore] [b]Name:[/b] Silas Moore [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Species:[/b] Tiger [b]Diet:[/b] Carnivore (Black Market regular) [b]Height:[/b] 7' [b]Weight:[/b] 270lbs [b]Physique:[/b] Athletic [b]Appearance:[/b] Silas is as broad and muscular as he is tall. He has large hands and feet, with bulging biceps and broad shoulders. He is a typical coat colouring for his species, with a large neck ruff that he keeps trimmed and groomed. He has a nick taken out of his left ear from a fight as a youngster, and a small scar on his cheek from the same time. [b]Bold[/b]Personality: Silas is loud and brash, dominating the room with his presence and demanding attention wherever he goes; not that it’s in short supply. He’s attractive and everyone knows it. He can have a bit of a cruel streak and is mostly seen as a bully. He looks down on most, especially domestic animals and half-breeds, which was the main reason he joined the Elite’s cause. [b]History:[/b] Silas grew up in a normal working-class household with his two older brothers. They weren't well off by any means but they got by, especially once Alastair and Jude entered the world of work. Silas was a troubled youngster, constantly picking fights and arguments for no reason other than sheer boredom. As the only tiger in his school, he established a hierarchy among the other carnivores and his little group was more often than not the subject of many detentions and suspensions. Despite this, he left with high enough grades to attend college, specialising in fine art and fashion design. He graduated with honours, although the connections he'd made were less than favourable. Silas managed to get himself involved in the Black Market, selling pelts and furs on a street corner; a job that paid handsomely enough to rent a studio space and it was here that he made his first collection. He fought tooth and claw to get it shown on a runway; finally some organisers took pity on him and gave him a fifteen minute slot at the end of their winter collection show and his brand exploded from there - soon becoming one of the most well known and influential designers. [b]Class:[/b] Upper [b]Occupation:[/b] Fashion Designer [b]Relationships:[/b] Taurus Altobelli - Ex-Boyfriend Seth Apkoda - Boss(?) Alastair Moore - Brother, Bar owner Jude Moore - Brother, Nurse Speech Color Code: Optional. Can use supported colour names or hex code.) [/hider] [hider=Taurus Altobelli] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726905775246540922/819630988400525312/image0.png [b]Name:[/b] Taurus Altobelli [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Species:[/b] Highland Cow [b]Diet:[/b] Herbivore [b]Height:[/b] 6’10 (and a half, if you ask him about it) [b]Weight:[/b] 240lbs [b]Physique:[/b] Athletic/muscular [b]Appearance:[/b] Taurus is remarkably tall, although his horns don’t add too much to his height due to the forward-set nature of them. He’s muscled, but not overly so; it’s clear he runs frequently but would rather his nose in a book. He keeps his chestnut hair long and usually tied back with a ribbon but will often flop forward over his eyes, as is typical of his species. His hair is slightly lighter than the rest of his fur, but is still a darker shade than what his species is usually. He has round ears set just under his horns, which point forward and slightly lift at the tips. Taurus’ eyes are a deep, coffee brown but are usually partially hidden by a pair of rectangular, wire-rimmed glasses. He has a chunky gold ring through his nose. Taurus is usually seen dressed in shirts, slacks and waistcoats, only really dressing down when he’s running. [b]Personality:[/b] Taurus is your typical English gentleman. Polite, well-mannered and well-spoken. He is fairly outgoing, although it’s definitely a charade, he’d much rather retire with the company of his books or a piano than socialise. He’s confident, and despite being a typical prey animal, he refuses to be intimidated. He’s charming when he wants to be, and some would say a bit of a flirt. He can be stubborn and slightly bull-headed at times; once he’s made his mind up on something it’s very, very difficult to get him to change it. [b]History:[/b] Taurus grew up in rural England, and moved to New York with his older brother and parents when he was 16. The move took some getting used to but he adapted quickly despite the family’s low earnings. His father worked several labourer jobs, eventually holding down a well-paying construction role, which was the reason for their move. His mother works as a garden landscaper for the new builds in the city. [b]Class:[/b] Working class [b]Occupation:[/b] Student (Literature and Creative Writing - 2nd year) Freelance Editor Bartender at The Warren He is also part of the track team in long-distance running [b]Relationships:[/b] Finnegan Altobelli - Father - Construction Skye Altobelli - Mother - Landscaper Leo Altobelli - Brother - Geoscientist Silas Moore - Ex-Boyfriend - Fashion Designer [b]Speech Colour Code:[/b][color=deepskyblue]DeepSkyBlue[/color] [/hider] Have I even told you guys how much I hate formatting these 😭