Alright, two people. I think if there was a third, and I knew we were all dedicated we could start it. I think it would also be a lot more collaborative than just GM player stuff. You should know that I will be pretty strict about keeping to the naming convention and appearance of the Gundams in this. What I mean is in the show(and other properties) the gundams are all named and numbered after the demons in the Key of Solomon. So you have ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos, named for the 8th demon in the list. So we know there are 72 in total, and the lovely thing about it is that most of them are canonically unaccounted for. So there's tons of room for fan stuff like this without stretching the bounds of lore too much. I have dibs on ASW-G-36 Gundam Stolas, bu the by.