[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Aj0PAHt.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pBVhYT8.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hS06bsh.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rCd1NjG.png[/img] [/center][right][b][code]The Vanburen Estate[/code][/b][/right][hr] Ezra gave Arabelle an apologetic frown as Tansy swooped in and began to pack her mind full of enough emotional baggage to properly supply Arabelle for an extended guilt trip. He massaged his temple as he broke from the pack and leaned against the patio railing, staring like a shell shocked soldier at the snow covered trees past the hedges. Tansy was correct about one thing: their family enjoyed disagreeing with one another and arguing in circles. They were so eager to put in their own two cents that they didn’t give anyone a chance to expand on what could be a million dollar idea. [i]You’re the experts![/i] Ezra had caught the look Tansy had thrown his way. It was the same look she gave when she sided with James when Ezra argued business with him. He knew she didn’t have any idea of what she was agreeing to, he just knew that she enjoyed undermining him. He snorted out a silent laugh as Georgie told Tansy to shut up, thankful that his back was turned to the family so they couldn’t witness his amusement. He wiped his expression blank and spun back around to enjoy the theatrics. [color=CE6857]"And you are a whore after James's own heart. At least you know what condoms are for,"[/color] said Georgie. [color=springgreen]“Well this family already has one mistake,”[/color] said Tansy after recovering from the initial shock with a smile so full of shit it was clear she meant Georgie. Was the “academic” so sheltered by her puritanical school life that she thought slutshaming would set Tansy to tears, as if she hadn’t spent her whole adult life dealing with hushed whispers about her proclivities? Did she really think calling her a pretty decoration would cut her down? Why would someone as accomplished as Tansy even care what an emotionless, useless little bitch thought about her anyway? Yet as she spoke her eyes watered, her face flushed, and her hands began to shake. Even her fake smile faltered as she spat out the rest of her thought, [color=springgreen]“I wouldn’t want to make another.”[/color] Ezra watched with a look of disinterest as Tansy turned and briskly made her way towards the tea set, her hands trembling and spilling a bit of the kettle as she topped off her mug. Some were clearly done. Some of the others were still attempting to do a brainstorm—Ezra grimaced when Blu’s attempt to offer assistance was quickly shut down. A part of him worried about what the ward would say of his dysfunctional family to the townies once this was all over. A part of him felt sorry for Blu having to deal with everyone’s ego. Ezra rolled his neck and rubbed his shoulder. He felt a migraine coming on, enhanced by Oscar’s joke about a family picnic. Had he even eaten today? He needed a cigarette. [color=darkgray]“Perfect weather for it. After that we can invite the Wiccans out for ice cream,”[/color] said Ezra with a sniff. It was a rare joke accompanied by an even rarer smile from their oldest brother. He looked tired. [color=darkgray]“It sounds like we might’ve actually formed a plan. So in summary, we attempt to contact the turncoat and bring her to a secluded location. Potentially we can get some info from her, but considering how on edge the Wiccans might be it’s more likely they’ll follow her. So we spring an ambush, capture one of them, send the rest fleeing, find out where this Triple Goddess is, and hit her before the Wiccans can regroup.”[/color] It wasn’t a perfect plan. Ezra wouldn’t even call it a good plan. Still, it was a better plan than spending another moment freezing his ass off outside while watching his siblings continue to trade barbs and propose more asinine ideas. [color=darkgray]“So where’s the meeting taking place? It’s gotta be somewhere private in case the Wiccans come in full force.”[/color] [color=springgreen]“Daddy’s clinic,”[/color] said Tansy into her tea. She rubbed her cheek, straightened her spine, and turned around to face the others as she elaborated, directing her attention to Ezra and Justin. [color=springgreen]“I own a lot near the woods in East Araminta. It’s for a rehab clinic but it’s little more than a construction site now. The area around it is all abandoned buildings and empty lots.”[/color] [color=darkgray]“I’m surprised you’d offer up your pet project. You’ve seen what happened to the house.”[/color] [color=springgreen]“It’s insured,”[/color] said Tansy. Ezra didn’t like how pleased she sounded. He turned to Justin, [color=darkgray]“Does that work?”[/color]