[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmHThHw.png[/img][/center] Ethelred had only a moment to release his lance from the cyclops before it exploded, showering him and his horse with gore. His mount reared up in alarm and backed a few paces away, but the knight managed to maintain his seating, but fortunately the explosion didn't seem hurt them. [color=6ecff6][i]It looks like he was trying to use some sort of magic, and the elf's attack probably caused it to misfire,[/i][/color] the knight guessed based on his limited knowledge of magic, as he surveyed the carnage. While he could normally see through his crystalline helmet, his vision was presently hindered by numerous flecks of gore now stuck and partially frozen to his helmet. Nonetheless, he was able to see well enough to notice that most importantly, the other two combatants were unharmed. He also couldn't help but notice the grotesque, unnatural state of the cyclops' insides. [color=6ecff6][i]Those are...hands? Hands, emerging from inside of the corpse?[/i][/color] Ethelred observed, aghast at the revelation of just how [i]wrong[/i] this thing was. It was a disturbing reminder of just how truly inhuman the Fomorians were- as malformed-looking as they were on the outside, what lay inside was even more bizarre. The mysterious elf was clearly just as curious, cutting open the fallen foe's neck to get a better look at the limbs within. According to the elf, the cyclops was formed from many other beings, as evidenced by the hands and arms. Ethelred snarled at such a disgusting concept, to combine many beings into something like this, and even moreso if the victims were unwilling. It made him wonder, however, how many more of these things were out there. What if they were actively making these out of the inhabitants of the villages that were being attacked? [color=6ecff6][i]If they're making these things out of the villagers, it's all the more reason we need to put them down.[/i][/color] [color=6ecff6]"You need not worry about us getting in your way, stranger,"[/color] he assured the elf. [color=6ecff6]"We are knights of Queen Sorcha, and have come here to put an end to the Fomorian attacks. My name is Ethelred. I apologize for not showing you my face, but ever since I was cursed by an Unseelie, this armor of mine has become impossible to remove."[/color] He would leave the particulars of joining their forces to Reinhardt, not wishing to undermine his leader's authority. [color=6ecff6]"Speaking of which, I don't suppose you've crossed paths with a certain knightess passing through here, have you?"[/color] he asked the elf. [color=6ecff6]"Blonde hair, red eyes, black armor of similar coverage to yours, bright red sword?"[/color] [@Guy0fV4lor][@Cu Chulainn]