[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220411/22f09bff530c58264e8c25a90ac97149.png[/img][/center] The prospect of the three of them trying to tell two clan leaders what to do made Lionpaw snort. [color=ffce00][b]"Even if we were warriors I doubt we'd be able to march up to them and say what a fish-brained idea it is."[/b][/color] He was still somewhat unsure if it would even be viable in the long run, but at the same time he did see the convenience to the idea. They had more allies to help them in the event they got into a fight with either RainClan or DarkClan and they didn't need to worry about the border with FireClan anymore. They could share prey and herbs with each other, and the fact that they could make genuine friends in FireClan now without having to worry about potentially needing to tear their pelt off was nice. He could see the trepidation in both Frostpaw and Reedpaw, but he couldn't help the little bit of excitement at the idea. Sure it was rude to march into camp and steal someone else's prey, but he was sure they would get used to it. If Dawnstar thought it was a good idea then it must be ok right? Whitestar thought it was a good idea too and that was a pretty solid vote of confidence in his opinion. He lifted his head up as Frostpaw spoke about finding her mentor. He wasn't sure where Cranesong had gotten off to, but Reedpaw's mentor was sitting with his brother. Redtalon was walking into camp with Tinysplash and Otterfang off of what he assumed was a patrol and Dawnstar was actively talking to Embersky under the shade of the heavy driftwood that made up the leader's den and perch for meetings. Reedpaw gave him a curious look, unsure as to what they older apprentice was getting at dragging them along to speak with her mentor, but she just shrugged her shoulders as Lionpaw hauled himself onto his feet. He shook the sand out of his golden pelt and padded after Frostpaw as she approached the long-furred black she-cat that was her mentor. Lionpaw had always admired the silent sort of strength that she seemed to possess, but he was glad she wasn't his mentor. He liked Cranesong, she would at least always tell him what he was supposed to do on the day to day. Green eyes swept across the three apprentices, with a hint of confusion, as they padded up to her. [b]"Of course Frostpaw,"[/b] she sat and wrapped her plumy tail around her paws, [b]"What's troubling you?"[/b]