[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/L3L0n/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo1MiwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjUyLCJmZ2MiOiIjMTg3OEUyIiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/U2NyYXByaWc/reactive-anchor.png[/img] [color=5081e1]______________________________________________________________[/color][/center] Crosspoint, Hope, Overclock, Workshop, Gray Man, Memento, two more whose names she didn't catch...and Jane. They all definitely seemed decent to be around, except for Gray Man- Will- who they needed earpieces to even be around. Jane felt out of her element to say the least, but she got this far, so she told herself not to be such a damn shut-in. Once upon a time, she used to have very decent social skills, about as much as anyone used to being around people could expect to have. Jane hasn't had much normal conversation in a safe setting since the Psychos rolled through, though. She was thinking about what to say to these people, they were supposed to be her teammates for the foreseeable future, so they needed to get along and not kill each other. On some level, she very much wanted to get back to some sense of normalcy, but Jane never pictured it would mean being a hero instead of just a girl with two flesh-and-bone arms and no passenger. This was ultimately a whole new world for her. Still, that’s not the worst that’s happened to Jane yet. Something was on her mind that she didn’t get to ask last time she and the Director interacted. [color=5081e1]So- uh. Hm. I guess this is everyone, huh? In that case- I was wondering. Us? I mean- There’s plenty of kids around here who got their acts together better than some of us do.”[/color] She didn’t say it out loud, but she knew about the Shipyard Tinker. And that wasn’t even including Gray Man just [i]existing.[/i] [color=5081e1]”What- what made you wanna pick us in particular? Why us?”[/color] Jane asked. The others were probably thinking the same thing, or maybe they knew something she didn’t. Jane wouldn’t be the most legally above-board person here. The PRT had absolutely no way of finding out anything about her. No identification on a database, not even a birth certificate, until they met her and found she was a tinker who sold small pieces of haphazardly-made tinkertech to villains with pocket change to spare. With the amount of material she had that consisted of rusted up junk, she couldn’t exactly make a doomsday weapon, but more than one villain on the street had a piece of machinery to use in their toolboxes that was made by her. Jane didn’t want to admit that, though. [color=5081e1]”Or were we just- did we just get picked first?”[/color]