[quote=@Odin] [@nodogs] yeah, I think with Jack's attitude and her apathy she'd probably fit in well with Ben personally. His friend group is pretty non-descript but I can see Jack and Ben "hanging out" by just quietly hanging out and not really engaging too much with anyone beyond the regular friend group banter. I envision Ben's friend group as being sort of stable for the most part so it probably wouldn't have been teen drama that drove her away from them and maybe more their status of just generic dude that did generic things and didn't stand out much? No juicy goss to overhear with them either which way besides maybe what videogames they're playing or what happened in class that day. [/quote] yeah jack would've dipped in and out when it suited her knowing that they probably weren't going anywhere. when i'm done getting my legs walked off, i'll write a quick post for jack responding to meir and hanna so that p.j's isn't frozen in the twilight zone while waiting for more people to arrive.