Unfortunately the Gekko manga was never officially translated into English, and the only fan translations I can find only go up to chapter 4, so I don't have a strong idea of what happens in it(I'd love it if you would prove me wrong on this, because I've been wanting to read it). So obviously the more the merrier(up to a point), but if both of you are willing and able, I've had very successful three person RPs before. Let me go into what I expect: I'm not a stickler for post size, and in fact I think in a lot of situations in an RP, longer posts actually make a lot less sense. So if you're wondering if reading posts and writing responses will be a whole ordeal, don't because it shouldn't be. I'd rather have a short post that moves the story than a long post that details every aspect of your sword swing. I'll be stricter on lore, but all that really means is that if you goof(or if I do, I don't remember everything and might forget something important) you'll have to make an edit. I'm not gonna be mad if you mix up ahab reactors and alaya vijnana systems. If you're willing to make this a collaborative project, I'd love it if you take initiative, and I'll accept anything you include in a post(including NPC actions and important plot events) unless I have a very good reason not to. And in the latter case, we'll stop to discuss what is happening in the story so that everyone stays on the same page. If you want to claim a name on that list, feel free. I know we haven't finalized a decision to move forward with the RP, but if there's a name or number that calls to you, say so now. [@FlappyTheSpybot][@Martian] And Martian, you said you had an urge to write a mobile suit fight, but it's been a while since uou saw IBO, I'm not trying to be an ass, but remember that the mobile suit combat in IBO is pretty distinct in comparison to the other shows in the franchise. It's mostly melee combat, and there's no beam weapons to speak of. In gravity, they usually stay on the ground too. Not a lot of flying around except in space(though there will probably be a lot of the RP that takes place in deep space).