Neil listened intently, his chin on his hand, elbow on the edge of the table. In some places it was considered poor manners, but from where he grew up it signified curiosity. He hadn't even touched his whiskey yet, though consciously he was waiting on food before he started downing any drinks. Midway through her conversation, Neil ordered the steak and mashed potatoes ladled with imported oil he heard was quite good, then they returned to their discussion and he simply watched her again. It bothered him how she could be dangerously sexy and yet adorable at the same time, and it bothered him more than he thought that way when she was planning on executing him. Well, he had a plan for that, but it was the thought that counts. He was taken out of his googly eyes when the food arrived, and she asked her question. "That's fascinating. I bet you get the same rush I do when I'm..." He thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, doing what I shouldn't be doing. Guess that's a character flaw of mine." He took the knife and fork and began to cut the steak. Wisely, he hadn't brought a weapon in case she scanned him somehow, but the restaurant kindly provided their own weaponry, even if was a last resort. If this darkly beautiful sorceress wanted to kill him, he was going to make it difficult in more ways than one. He gestured toward her with the knife. "Going right to the big questions? You're up front, I like that," he said, popping a small slice of steak in his mouth. "Oh, I like the steak too." He added as an after thought. He ate another slice and then washed it down with alcohol, enjoying the tingling tastes that sparked in his mouth. The thief wiped his mouth with one of the cloths provided, very happy with the meal. "You know, I was going to save that until the end of the dinner because it was going to be what convinced you to not kill me, but I can tell you the crux of it to get you interested," He remarked with a grin and a wink. Beside them, a ship slowly floated up the deep river that bisected Kalx'Molaris. On its hull, reaching from the depths, were huge scratch marks only something like a kraken or sea dragon could make. "So you likely know I was a mule for them. I did well, I think. I'm pretty good at getting in and out of places and situations, so it was the dream job, for a bit. I guess they thought I was a bit too good, and a little less than trustworthy." He mused, sipping his drink. "Well, once they decided to get rid of me, I got wind of it and took the last job they thought owed to them. But instead of delivering the letter, I looked at the contents inside, memorized it, and then burned the package." He began to twirl the knife betwixt his fingers, not threateningly, but in a playful manner. "My mistake was not knowing how I would let them know I was the only thing left alive that knew the location of what they wanted. And as you've probably guessed it, I will instead extend an offer of partnership to you." Neil smiled, pleased with himself. Even if he died, it would be interesting. He leaned forward and gave her a surreptitious whisper in return. "But before you know what the package is or accept the terms, let's just have some fun." The dark haired scoundrel cleared his throat and sat back, holding his glass up to be refilled. "I find the possibility of death spices things up, particularly on a date. Besides, I'm still curious. Let's say you finish up your favor with the syndicate, are you going to stay in the assassin business or try something else? Not to be stereotypical, but stories always talk about goodly wizards becoming scholars or advisors, and bad ones usurping kings. Have any lofty ambitions beside wiping my handsome face off the face of the world?"