[center] [hider=mask][img]https://st2.depositphotos.com/1034986/6223/i/950/depositphotos_62238241-stock-photo-rabbit-mask-young-lesbian-stylish.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=face][img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1673/0883/products/ChainsawManKobeniHigashiyamaCosplayWig2_1800x.png?v=1620290657[/img][/hider][/center] [hider=LOG] [h2][b][ NEW! ][/b] Thread: Bouncer is a hero CONFIRMED! New photos prove![/h2] [1][b][2][/b] [color=#dd092c][u]BreadRangerZero[/u][/color] [indent]What exactly proves this rabbit-headed spook is a hero? Internet hearsay about her swooping in to save your roommate’s cousin’s best friend’s coworker the other night? The occasional, probably-photoshopped blurry smartphone picture of her standing sorta-close to more well-known vigilantes? She’s a criminal, hands-down; you can’t seriously be trying to convince me someone who [i]attacks cops[/i] is somehow a misunderstood woobie with a hidden heart of gold, and that's not even getting into her obvious connection to the Lycanthropes. Clown thread.[/indent] [color=#090edd][u]SuperPuper[/u][/color] [indent]what connection is that, bread?[/indent] [color=#dd092c][u]BreadRangerZero[/u][/color] [indent]She literally hangs out at the Wolf Den every single day, mask and all. Like how could it not be any more blatant.[/indent] [color=#09dd0b][u]Liberate_Me_From_The_Stars[/u][/color] [indent]Sorry, did I miss something? What does the Wolf Den have to do with the Lycanthropes? /srs [/indent] [color=#dd092c][u]BreadRangerZero[/u][/color] [indent]Its called the WOLF DEN.[/indent] [/hider]