[center][color=ed1c24][h1]Agent Actinium[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [@Crimson Flame][@Zanavy] [hr] Alicia was getting real tired of this guy's sass. She wasn't even going to comment on being called 'sus.' [color=ed1c24]"I'm an experienced trainer and this is an unsupervised fire type. There's a valley of difference there."[/color] She said, despite quickly growing tired of the charade. At this point it might actually cause less of a fuss to thrash these two and move on. This wasn't like last time, she actually had a few more pokemon at her disposal now. This little shorty wasn't about to compromise her mission. The grunt that accompanied her's Cramorant took a step towards the two and flapped its wings. Clearly it wasn't content with being ignored in this situation. Torracat similarly stepped forward. Clearly the two pokemon were more ready for a confrontation than their trainers. [center][color=ed1c24][h1]Team A[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [@LuckyBlackCat][@fer1323] [hr] The first grunt's Haunter barely managed to keep conscious after the vicious bite Arcanine delivered. It may not have fainted, but it certainly couldn't take another hit like that. The other grunt's Impidimp laughed wildly at the situation its ally was in, happily drinking in the annoyance of both grunts as they watched its antics. [color=ed1c24]"Impidimp, stop screwing around and use bite on that Gothita!"[/color] The younger grunt shouted, causing the trickster to quit laughing and go on the attack itself. While the Reflect barrier weakened the impish pokemon, it didn't stop it entirely. [color=ed1c24]"Haunter, use shadow ball on the Arcanine!"[/color] The other grunt shouted, only to see his pokemon stop short as the ghost flinched.