[color=ed1c24]"Fuck off. Don't try to play mind games with me. As a Knight of Camelot, even the one they call the Traitor Knight, I'm still the Knight of Londinium. Yeah I rampaged, and fought back, but even I gotta tell you. There was no grand plan. I had some idea but none of it was set in stone. I wanted them to understand how I felt. That's it. I rebelled, and I raged out it got out of hand. But even now I still see them as my former King. Leon being the one with those dumb command seals makes him the new king. Time will prove if he's worthy of it. Hasn't impressed me so far, that being said no one here has."[/color] Saber growls as she feels Fran come up next to her and say something to her through her helmet she grunts. [color=ed1c24]"We got this! You, and me we'll fix this whole thing!"[/color] Sabers says bouncing back as if nothing happened. [color=00a651]"I'm not a king though. As much as my stock has plummeted recently, apparently, I'm just a mage who wants to save people. The world's foundations can't come undone."[/color] Leon commented as Mordred turned to him and even through the helmet he could feel her eyes staring right into his soul. Angry. Always angry it would seem but he felt in his bones that was wrong. It was probably just him in the end. [color=ed1c24]"I'm a knight. I serve kings, and Dad ain't here. Not that I'd bother I'm not some cheap ass who serves two kings. You're my master right now for good or bad. Are you not?"[/color] Mordred said to Leon non to gently. [color=00a651]"I am and I will prove myself worthy of being such."[/color] Leon said with no fear, or hesitation his patience at its current limit. [color=ed1c24]"Then you're the king dumbass. That's just how it works. I'd be one hell of shitty fucking knight if I had no king so shut up and move!"[/color] Leon was none to convinced by Mordred's argument but he didn't want her railing inside his head so he relented and nodded in affirmation. [color=00a651]"Elise, and everyone we assume the same formation. Tactical Advisor could you please inform us if Lancer, and his master are attacked so we can hurry back if need be."[/color] Leon called through is ear piece. [color=ec008c]"Consider it done. If anyone is in danger I will inform you. Its odd...the skeletons I've been keeping track of aren't moving to deal with you. Its a blessing as far as I'm concerned maybe whoever is controlling them is not aware of you yet...or doesn't care. Either way Make your way to the servant quick. Lancer do what you will to guard your master, and the bridge."[/color] === As Leon's main group moved south he looked at more of the grey housing units, and empty cars the more he saw the more he wondered where the people went. This was near a city. Thousands of people lived here, if not considerably more, and there was no way in hell it'd just pop out of existence. [color=00a651]"Sir Director! I want to talk about the vanishing act around here do you have any idea of who, or what could've done this?"[/color] Leon asks as he quickly leads the way down the side walks looking over to the river he wondered if people could've been eaten by something? A monster of some sort? Then there would be more notable destruction? If it was some sort of radiation they wouldn't be here to speculate it. [color=00aeef]"At the moment we have yet to come across some sort of bounded field. But I have a feeling that it is something similar to it. Gorgon, or rather Medusa, is noted to have used a noble phantasm called Blood Fort Andromeda. It is a noble phantasm capable of killing people and taking their mana for themselves. But to this scale? Someone would've stopped it. It may work off a similar principle, and that is where my gut feeling is heading. But then the question becomes why? Was it the will of a grail war participant? If so why has Heaven's Feel not been achieved?"[/color] Orson began as Mordred cut him off, [color=ed1c24]"Heaven's Feel? The hell is that?"[/color] Mordred questioned as she shoved a car through a house rather loudly since it was in the way. Leon could only sigh at how loud Mordred was being. [color=00aeef]"It is...a part of the grail war system it is complicated. I'm afraid the specifics are currently locked. I apologize for even mentioning it. I'm thinking aloud at the moment. Simply keep on track. The servant is still fading, and we can only hope to make it there before they do."[/color] Orson comments as he monitors the situation at hand seeing no difference in Fuyuki with the two servants in the city still moving about but keeping their pace away from the groups members. [color=ed1c24]"Real helpful yeah..."[/color] Mordred mouths off. ==== The area near the bridge was quiet other than the sound of the water moving, and flowing into the land nearby. The bridge didn't shake, it didn't rumble, and the wind simply gently breezed by as if the day were normal. There was no sound other than the sounds Scarlett, and her Lancer made. The bone warriors, if they were nearby, weren't a threat for the moment it would seem. Whatever they wished to do it would seem the moment was ripe for doing it.