[center][img]https://img.wattpad.com/f2a54068a0acc88addbbd5568075c8a20d3faa7f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f34634e5054483332466f366c4f673d3d2d313035343636323935312e313637353430616637353734646365373339353632363837393630302e676966[/img] [b]Location:[/b] [i]An unused apartment building, a fools’ nest.[/i] [b]Event:[/b] [i]Wolves send a rabbit to do their hunting.[/i][/center] The heavy rain made it hard to see through the rabbit mask pulled over her head, blinding her peripheral vision, deafening her with the way it muted the sounds of the city behind its persistent drumming, drumming, drumming. The dirty rainwater soaked unpleasantly into the jacket of her suit, weighing her down and making her skin itch. She could feel it seeping through the cracks in the bottom of her shoes as well, and if she didn’t keep her head down drops of moisture flecked against her face through the tiny, hidden openings for her eyes. Her cheeks were already starting to feel damp behind the face of her mask, and she had absolutely no doubt she’d be getting some kind of rash after tonight. Or at least a cold. “Guard keeping lookout on the top floor, two more in the side alley,” One of the men with her assessed, nodding at the pair of goons poking their heads amateurishly around the corner. “Doesn’t look like they’ve spotted us yet.” “There’s an access door on the roof,” said the other man, pressed close against the side of the alley. “Go in through there, then open up the entrance for Erik and I at the bottom. You only need to worry about the ones who get in your way.” He turned his face down toward her. They both towered over her head, but this one, Mateo, was easily the larger of the two. The suits they wore were nearly identical to hers, albeit less worn, and with the faint embroidery of a silver wolf on their ties. “Once we’re all inside, we’ll do a full sweep as a team. Any questions?” “My socks are wet.” “I’m sure it’ll be nice and dry inside,” Erik remarked dryly. She made a face at him behind her mask, then vanished with a faint [i]thp.[/i] And then she was on the roof. She cast her gaze around idly; no spotter on the roof? Sure it was raining, but were they really willing to kneecap their field of view if it meant not getting a little wet? What a bunch of babies. She turned her attention toward the access door, giving the handle an experimental jiggle. Locked. So they weren’t completely stupid then? She was almost proud. Energy thrummed inside her muscles, and she slammed her foot against the door. It buckled instantly, flying a few feet backward and tumbling down the stairs with a racket. At least they [i]tried[/i] to keep her out? The sounds of men shouting quickly echoed up toward her, warnings and confusion and curses. She had only been told to deal with the ones who got in the way, but if they [i]all[/i] ran out to meet her, then was there really a distinction to be made? Another [i]thp[/i] and she was on the top floor, opening the door out of the stairwell. Two men, one of them the spotter hiding from the rain. They saw her for an instant as the door opened, arms with weapons started to move, and then- She was at the opposite end of the hall, six feet above the ground with her shin crashing into the back of a man’s head. He grunted in shock and pain and went sprawling, and then she was gone again before the other had started to turn. Her fist slammed into his kidney, then she was in front of him, knuckles impacting against his jaw. Stomach, throat, sweep the leg, her black oxford came down on the first man’s head as he started to rise, and then she was the only one left standing. Energy hummed like lightning inside her, but she still had room for more. A series of [i]thp[/i]s brought her to the next floor down, and she hummed quietly as the energy began to [i]sing.[/i] There were three more men here, huddled around the stairwell door, expecting her. An audience for her concert. Burst of gunfire tore through the air, but she was already gone, her foot slamming into the side of the one furthest back, and he flew, cratering into the opposite wall. Hm. No, she could do better. Two, three seconds passed, and she was alone in consciousness again, bodies crumpled across the hall. She looked back toward the stairwell, but no, whoever had time to take the stairs? The door to an empty apartment hung off its hinges, and through it she could see a window. And then she was outside the window, twenty feet over the ground. Another window on the second floor below, and she was back inside. She kicked the front door open, and it soared across the hall, carrying an unlucky goon with it. “Shit! It’s Bouncer!” Another man shouted, gun already in his hand. The crack of two gunshots tore through the air as his finger blindly squeezed the trigger, but she was already gone, her hand reappearing next to his ear shortly before his head was slammed into the floor, the sound of wood and plaster cracking underneath it. His buddy was clearly a lot smarter than he was. She turned her head to see him running for the stairs, but the fallen sidearm was already in her hand, and a single twitch of her finger saw to it that he didn’t get far. She tossed the gun aside, and an instant later she was back in the open air before reappearing on the ground floor, alone as it turned out. No one else to play with? How dull. The front door of the complex swung open, her accomplices waiting on the sidewalk outside. The lookouts from the alleyway sat slumped nearby, each showing off some shiny new bruises. Mateo raised an eyebrow at her as he entered, evidently having taken note of the chaos which had danced its way down the building. “I’ll start checking rooms,” was all he said on the matter. It didn’t take long for the pair to finish their sweep of the building, leaving her on the ground floor to keep watch on the chance the cops actually bothered to make an appearance - or anyone with an interest in… cosplay. No such luck. “Two urban campers and one of the working girls,” Mateo announced as the two men came back down the stairs, the aforementioned trio following like ducklings behind them. “Anyone else they had here is gone already.” “We’ll take a couple of these guys back with us, see what we can get out of them,” Erik said, hauling an unconscious form on his shoulder. “You heading back to see the boss?” Her eyes drifted out toward the street, humming softly to herself as energy continued to sing quietly in her blood. “There are probably more running around out there, right?” The two gangsters exchanged looks behind her. Then Erik just sighed and walked right past her. “We’ll let Ma’am know you’re out tonight,” Mateo said, raising one hand to pat her shoulder, only for it to land on empty air as Bouncer vanished with a faint [i]thp.[/i] “Good hunting.”