[quote=@Irredeemable] Hi [@Cloakedrider]! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to reject the sheet entirely, for several reasons: Firstly, the mention of a 'multiverse' and the overall population of [i]76 billion[/i] are in complete violation of the founding conceit of the RP, and the mention of black-hole travel violates the rule on FTL travel as well. Secondly, there is no mention of other important elements the colonies share- such as the Earth heritage or the Gateways, and the sheet insufficiently explains what the Hell and Purgatory Realm are, along with what the 'dragon mounts' are. Additionally, many other elements of the nation are entirely unclear. The dual monotheistic/polytheistic nature is not given nearly enough explanation as these are two directly opposed belief systems (excluding henotheism,) what exactly a guardian angel is, and how a nation can simultaneously be using medieval methods of travel and warfare whilst still successfully maintaining a star-spanning empire and researching black holes. Finally, the sheet fails to meet the typically accepted standards for 'advanced' RP on the guild. Although I could reccomend many changes to bring the Guardians in line with the rest of the RP, I would instead reccomend searching in other areas of the guild, and I wish you the best of luck in your future writing on the site. [/quote] Thank you Irredeemable, I should have read the original post more. Although you advise checking out other roleplaying guilds, I would like to ask for you to give me one more chance of a post.