[@vancexentan] [color=00aeef]"Grail war system, huh?[/color], Conner pondered as he walked, his Berserker trailing closely. [color=00aeef]"Take this with a grain of salt and I'm the furthest thing from an expert on this kind of topic, but from the way the Director worded it, Heaven's Feel sounds like some kind of failsafe, a contingency plan that would activate should something go wrong. I don't know what it would do, but it would probably involve preventing the situation we are currently trying to rectify from ever happening in the first place. I mean, take a look around us. No birds flying. No flies to pester us. No rats scurrying around. It's not just humans that have disappeared from Fuyuki. [i]It's every living, breathing thing.[/i] Excluding the Servants and Team A's mystery status, we're the only living creatures in this city. Again, this is all my best guess, but in this case, the question becomes... "....[b]who or what interfered with the grail war system and caused Heaven's Feel to not activate.....and why?"[/b][/color]