[h2]Sanctuary[/h2] Work, work never ceased. Dina kept running all the combinations through her head, as she shifted the turns of the maids on Sanctuary. For the most part it was working like a well oiled engine, and yet, like dark clouds in the horizon, the shadow of conflict kept approaching. She had strained herself too much, and that had been seen by Penny. But she would need to do it even more. None of them understood how big a war could get. What was to lose your life overnight. Only Viktoriya, and she was gone out of reach. A waft aroma caught to her senses, as the familiar clinking of a porcelain was heard by her, alongside shuffling. She closed her eyes, focusing on the smell, before taking a delicate sip, very much like a cat from one of the cups that had been offered to her by her efficient maids. She found the taste odd, yet tantalizing. "New recipe? I can't say I am a fan of green tea usually, but this one is superb." "No, It is what I usually brew, Neko-sama." A voice was heard besides her, and it wasn't one of her maids. The realization hit Dina like lightning, and she jumped out of her chair in all fours, herself standing and hissing like a scared feline. Sakura. THAT churl was here serving tea. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" She hissed back. "As if I didn't have enough problems with things as they stand!" Sakura would just tilt her head. "Wow, you went and jumped like a cat! Hah!" She jeered, before coughing. "Okay let's do this again. Ah yes, I brought a simple offering to your Grace." She would offer a slight bow. "And I must apologize before thee for my overly rash behaviour earlier." Dina blinked at what she was seeing. Was that churl trying to act...composed and proper? She had a small knack for it, but deep down she knew otherwise. "What do you want, exactly." Sakura sighed. "Penny told me not to cause problems. The catgirls bully me. So I have to make do with you, Neko-sama? Aren't you like, the second strongest here?" The dragongirl would continue to serve a tea, and drink. "...wish I was." Dina moved back to her chair. "That might be Shane or Sann." She swirled the cup and took another sip. "Very well, I accept your apology. I'll tell the maids, now shoo." The catgirl would say. "Is that winestain on the wall?" Sakura would comment. "It looks like a rabbit." At this point the cup Dina was having clattered against the tray once more. "Look, I'm rather busy. We might get invaded and I need to make preparations. So... could you just leave? I'm not mad..." Dina would say, her teeth beginning to grind at the dragon girl. "Oh." Sakura said, as she realized something. "OH! So that was it!" She would say. "Why...aren't you leaving yet." Dina would add. "I wish Tenebra was still with us to send you away. It would make things easier." She eyed Sakura. "And you...took her now that I remember. So...could you just leave? Why must you torment so? As if Sanngridr wasn't stupidity incarnate enough!" Sakura would sigh, before pouring another cup. "She needed a rest outside Penrose. I sent her with my former family. Severed her contract. It led to me becoming this." The dragon girl added. "So...she worked for you. Fine then. I will help you in her stead." Dina would look at the cup, an urge to flip it over Sakura's face rising. "What can you even do? You are just a violent thug!" Sakura's eyes faced Dina. "I was Yakuza. I have honor. A sort of old code." The dragon girl would reply, before drawing closer. "Penny told me you were a princess of sorts. You need loyal servants." Dina blinked. "I will drink sake with you. You know what that means." Sakura would then say, without missing a heartbeat. "And if there's war I will fight however enemy you face." Dina grew very silent, the sudden changes still catching her flat footed, as she drank another cup. "But...why? We don't get along. We are from different worlds, you and I." "We're both old people, Dina." Sakura added. "It's all about teaching young people how it's done." The dragon girl said. "You look like you could use that." Dina, for the first time, seemed to relax in the forrmer thug's presence. "I will hold your word on to that." She said. "Will you swear on your life and honor for it?" "Duh." Sakura would offer a grin. "Then Sakura, promise me you will defend Sanctuary should both Penny and I fail. You might die, but you have to save these girls." The catgirl would say, her voice almost a whisper. "We already died once." The dragongirl shrugged. "Not a big task." She would then grab the tray. "More tea?" "...If you would be so kind." Dina said. Well, at least her problems had diminished by one.